FF Communitymap

Created by: Andi Bräu

Downloaded: 839 times

This plugin provides a shortcode to display the well known freifunk community map: [ffcommunitymap]

It is fully configurable to embed your own sources. These options are available:

  • geojsonurl
    • Default: “//api.freifunk.net/map/ffGeoJsonp.php?callback=?”
    • Description: URL with API data, we need jsonp there
  • hidelocationbutton
    • Default: 0
    • Description:
  • hidelayercontrol
    • Default: 0
    • Description: hide or show layer box
  • hideinfobox
    • Default: 0
    • Description: hide or show info box
  • feedurl
    • Default: “//api.freifunk.net/feed/feed.php”
    • Description: a feed provided by https://github.com/freifunk/feed.api.freifunk.net
  • newscontentlimit
    • Default: 3
    • Description: number of news entries
  • eventscontentlimit
    • Default: 2
    • Description: number of event entries
  • postcontentlength
    • Default: 30
    • Description: length event headlines
  • zoomlevel
    • Default: 5
    • Description: default zoom level on page load
  • scrollandzoom
    • Default: 1
    • Enable scroll and zooming by mouse wheel or one-finger-touch
  • center
    • Default: [51.5,10.5]
    • Description: initial center of map
  • divid
    • Default: “map”
    • Description: div id where map should be displayed
  • showevents
    • Default: 0
    • Description: show events in community popup
  • shownews
    • Default: 0
    • Description: show news in community popup
  • mapboxid
    • Default: “mapbox.streets”
    • Description: id for your mapbox tiles
  • mapjs
    • Default: “//api.freifunk.net/map/community_map.js”
    • Description: link to community js files
  • popuptype
    • Default: “community”
    • Description: type for popups for different purposes

Another shortcode is for displaying a community table: [ffcommunitytable]

Available options are:

  • summaryurl
    • Default: “//api.freifunk.net/map/ffApiJsonp.php?mode=summary&callback=?”
    • Description: URL with API data, we need jsonp there
  • columns
    • Default: “city,name,firmware,routing,nodes,contact”
    • Description: select available columns comma separated
  • number_communities
    • Default: “3”
    • Description: number of communities displayed in search
  • enable_zip_search
    • Default: “1”
    • Description: enable zip/city search
  • nominatim_email
    • Default: “yourmail@domain.tld”
    • Description: email provided to nominatim queries to avoid abuse

The shortcode [ffapijs] simply loads ffctable.js and dependencies for use API data in pages and posts.

Example code to embed a selction of email addresses of communities:

<p>Adresse<br />
*    [text* your-street placeholder "Straße"]
*    [text your-location id:zipinput placeholder "Postleitzahl und Ort"]
<div class="zipsearch"><button type="button" id="zipsubmit" class="btn waves-effect waves-light">Nächste Communities finden</button></div>
<div id="zipresult"></div>

<p>Communities<br />
*    [select your-communities id:mycommunities multiple]

<p>[submit "Senden"]</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
var cTable;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  cTable = FFCTABLE.init("dummyid", "//api.freifunk.net/map/ffApiJsonp.php?mode=summary&callback=?", "mail@dingsund.so", "3");
  cTable.getData(function(e) {});
  jQuery("#zipsubmit").click(function(e) {
      cTable.getDistanceByZip(cTable, function(data, type) {
      _.each(data.communityDataDisplay, function(item, key, list) {
          if (item.socialprojects && item.socialprojects.contact) {
          email = item.socialprojects.contact;

          } else if (item.contact && item.contact.email) {
          email = item.contact.email;

          if (email) {
          email = email.replace('mailto:', '');
          jQuery("#mycommunities").append(new Option(item.name + " (ca. " + item.distance + " km)", email, true, true));








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