Filtered Custom Post Type Lister – CPT Lister

Created by: AvinashK

Downloaded: 558 times

This is one wonderful plugin!!!! It allows you to list posts from your custom post types, you can exclude one or more custom post types and filter the list for post status and visibility It is open source, Feel free to download, contribute or fork.

I am the author and my name is Avinash Ketkar. I am a freelance coder. I don't have any official website right now, but I am planning to get one. You can reach me at ketkaravinash[at]yahoo[dot]com Cheers! 

How it works ?

CPT Lister should be called via shortcode [filtered_custom_posts] It lists user added post types only and not wordpress inbuilt post types ie. POSTS and PAGES CPT Lister receives the following arguments :  excludelist - This is where you say from which CPT you want to get your posts. The post type names should be separated by comma like "cpt1,cpt2" status - This is a comma separated list of post statuses. You can supply either 'publish' or 'future' or 'pending' or 'draft' or 'trash' values here.          If you supply a value "publish,draft" to this argument, only post types having atleast one post with either 'publish' status ot 'draft' status 
         will be displayed. 
         Arguments are not case sensitive. 'Publish,Draft" "publish,draft" will yield the same result. (or even "PuBLish,dRAFt") for that matter. 



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