Flair Chat Flair Chat

Flair Chat

Created by: Nicholas Babu

Downloaded: 481 times

This WordPress plugin provides a live chat block for logged in users only,
and uses the pusher api pusher.com/channels/pricing, Your site will
probably do alright with the free tier.


  1. Create an account with https://dashboard.pusher.com/accounts/sign_in
  2. After step 1 above, create a Channels app and click on the App Keys and note the app details ie; app_id, key, secret and cluster.
  3. From your wordpress plugins listing page, below the FlairChat plugin is the configuration link, click on that and fill in
    the form with the right information from step 2 above ie; app_id, key, secret and cluster.


  • Message thread mini view.
  • Mini view user list.
  • Mini view message list.
  • Minimized chat view.
  • Maximized chat view.
  • Maximized chat view.
  • Candido(example user) to Admin(example user) view.
  • Admin(example user) to Candido(example user) view.


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