Get the perfect image size at any given point in your theme!

Created by: Remo Blaser

Downloaded: 722 times

flyimage allows you to specify the image size you would like to receive in your Themes HTML!
The file will automatically be created on a first visit. Further visits will use the already created file.
Cached images will be stored in your uploads Directory (usually wp-content/uploads/fly/)

Single Image

flyImage($attachmentId / $attachmentUrl, $width, $height)

Example: Image with a width of 200px

<img src="{{ flyImage(1, 200) }}" />

Example: Image width a width of 300px and a height of 200px (cropped)

<img src="{{ flyImage(1, 300, 200) }}" />

Example: Image width a width of 300px and a height of 200px (uncropped)

<img src="{{ flyImage(1, 300, 200, false) }}" /><h3>Get a full SourceSet</h3>

flyImageSourceSet($attachmentId / $attachmentUrl, [$width1, $width2, …])

Example: Sizes: 400px, 800px and 1200px (width):

<img srcset="{{ flyImageSourceSet(1, [400, 800, 1200]) }}" />



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