Foxlis Geo Foxlis Geo

Foxlis Geo

Created by: Alexander Sorokin

Downloaded: 2k times

This free plug-in allows you to get your website visitor’s geo-location by an ip-address.
If you need to redirect your visitor based on his city or country you can do that by using simple interface.
Also you can ask is visitor’s city or country like detected and forward him to specific page or add query params.


  • Multi-language result
    • English
    • Chinese
    • French
    • Russian
    • German
    • Spanish
    • Japanese
    • Portuguese
  • High speed getting location (~20 ms)
  • Redirect by PHP or JavaScript
  • Save geo-location results to visitor session
  • Simple code usage
  • Developer mode with fake ip-address
  • Bots filter
  • JSON API for independent developing

  • Unlimited redirect settings

    • Option: Ask a question for redirect
    • Option: Redirect only one time per session
    • Option: Redirect always

Simple backend usage:

  • Get city <?php foxlis_geo()->getCity(); ?>
  • Get country <?php foxlis_geo()->getCountry(); ?>
  • Get continent <?php foxlis_geo()->getContinent(); ?>
  • Get subdivisions <?php foxlis_geo()->getSubdivisions(); ?>
  • Get accuracy radius <?php $locationEntity = foxlis_geo()->getLocation(); $accuracyRadius = $locationEntity->getAccuracyRadius(); ?>
  • Get latitude <?php $locationEntity = foxlis_geo()->getLocation(); $latitude = $locationEntity->getLatitude(); ?>
  • Get longitude <?php $locationEntity = foxlis_geo()->getLocation(); $longitude = $locationEntity->getLongitude(); ?>
  • Get time zone <?php $locationEntity = foxlis_geo()->getLocation(); $timeZone = $locationEntity->getTimeZone(); ?>

Get visitor location by JSON API using URL-path: /wp-json/foxlis-geo/v1/data/

Redirect By Geo Location Video Tutorial:



  • Settings
  • Redirect
  • Development
  • About
  • Aks a question for redirect
  • Set question for redirect in options
  • Filter API requests


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