FP LinkedIn Company Profile FP LinkedIn Company Profile

FP LinkedIn Company Profile

Created by: Moshiur Rahman Mehedi

Downloaded: 3k times

Bring your Company LinkedIn profile to your site to help users to follow your company in Linkedin. This plugin embed Company Profile summary card directly on your webpage. The widget options are managable from wordpress admin area. You can assign the profile link and others options.

Plugin Settings

  • Title – textbox (by default it is – LinkedIn Company Profile, you can use anything.)
  • Company Name – textbox (Your Company Name)
  • Company ID – textbox (Your LinkedIn Company Profile ID)
  • Show Connections – Options
  • Display Format – Options
  • Only Icons – Options


  • View Frontend of FP LinkedIn Company Profile Widget View. There are also two more views.
  • View Frontend of FP LinkedIn Copany Profile Widget View with connections.
  • View Backend of FP LinkedIn Company Profile Widget Settings.


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