With FreeInvoice API you can generate and send e-invoices of your online store managed with WooCommerce!
The plugin to be installed on WooCommerce allows you to create and send via the Free Invoice API to the Revenue Agency for all Completed Orders within WooCommerce in a simple and fast way.
The electronic invoices generated comply with the latest specifications of the Interchange System.
The generation of the electronic invoice is not valid for the PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION.


The FreeInvoice API plugin for WooCommerce requires the activation of the FreeInvoice API service available at this address this address

FreeInvoice API Version 1.0

  • generation and sending of XML electronic invoices;
  • addition of the fields “Individual or Company / Professional”, “VAT number or Tax Code”, “Recipient Code or PEC Address” in the WooCommerce checkout form;
  • management of the data entered by the customer in the order placed;
  • enabling and disabling electronic invoicing to individuals in the plugin settings;
  • dynamic management of customer checkout fields;
  • addition of the fields entered by the customer required for electronic invoicing in the WooCommerce order summary;
  • checking the status of the invoices sent by WooCommerce orders
  • check the validity of the VAT number or tax code entered by the customer during checkout;
  • management in the settings of the VAT rates plugin;
  • automatic / manual numbering of invoices;
  • management of sections on invoice numbering;
  • compatibility with versions 3 and 4 of WooCommerce;


  • General plugin settings
  • Entering the seller's data
  • Invoice Management Setup
  • Management of 0% VAT rates
  • Management of payment methods
  • Pop-up for sending an electronic invoice
  • Invoice batch info
  • Electronic invoice numbering management
  • Display required fields during WooCommerce checkout
  • Display of fields for electronic invoice in WooCommerce order
  • View invoice status in the WooCommerce dashboard


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