Payment Gateway for QPayPro on Formidable Payment Gateway for QPayPro on Formidable

Payment Gateway for QPayPro on Formidable

Created by: XicoOfficial, gtcoders, digitallabs

Downloaded: 625 times

This Formidable Add-on lets you connect the credit card form and receive payments using QPayPro payment gateway. You will only have to create a form with the required fields from QPayPro, sett your api keys and you are ready to send payment request links using formidable forms.

An entry will be reocorded if the transaction is successfull, if the transaction fails it will show an error message with the error details and let the user try one more time.


  • API Settings
  • Form settings to enalbe qpaypro and test mode.
  • Example of error when credit card details are not filled.
  • Example of how to setup field keys in orther to match qpaypro requirements.


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