Full Twitter Integration Full Twitter Integration

Full Twitter Integration

Created by: Tomas Agrimbau

Downloaded: 1k times

Getting Started

With this plugin you will be able to display tweets all around your site with just a few simple steps. You don’t need any programming or technical skills for this.
Trust me, it’s really simple 😉

Just choose where do you want to display the tweets.

Will they be in a Widget? In a post content? Or in your code?

Display tweets in a widget, couldn’t be easier

Simple as any other WordPress Widget, just go Appearance>Widgets and choose the most suitable FTI Widget for you, or choose them all!

You will be able to set the Number of tweets to display, and the option to hide/show the User profile image and the Tweets images.

Tweets in your content, just add a shorcode

Use the WordPress Shortcodes to display the tweets on your Posts/Pages and filter them as you wish. Set a Hashtag or a Username and set the values (optional) to customize the Tweets. Just add the Shortcode to your post/page content and that’s all!

This shortcode sample will display PearlJam’s Tweets with their profile images and limit them to 5.
[fti-list username=”PearlJam” limit=”5″ profile_image=”true”]

And here it’s getting Tweets with the hashtag “#Wordpress” including the images content of each and with a medium size.
[fti-list hashtag=”Wordpress” images=”true” images_size=”medium”]

Shortcode parameters

  • hashtag (Required) – [yourHashtag] Default: none.
  • username (Required) – [aTwitterUserName] Default: none.
  • images (Optional) – [true/false] Default: false.
  • images_size (Optional) – [thumb/small/medium/large] Default: thumb.
  • profile_image (Optional) – [true/false] Default: false.

Display Tweets in your code

We have a really simple API to get the tweets you want in your code. Customize the parameters and get an Array with the Tweets (objects).

These are our functions:

  • get_tweets_by_hashtag($hashtag, $limit)
  • get_tweets_by_user($user_name, $limit)
  • get_user_tweets($user_name, $limit)
  • get_timeline_tweets($user_name)
  • get_user_data($user_name)
  • get_my_data()

The $user_name should be the Twitter screen name, the one with @. Eg: PaulMcCartney


  • <p>Download the plugin and move the "full-twitter-integration" folder into the "/plugins" Wordpress folder.
Access to your Admin Panel and click the menu on the sidebar where it says "Full Twitter integration" to get started.
In the main screen you will need to <strong>Log in with Twitter</strong> to use all the tools the plugin provides.</p>
  • <p>Simple as any other <a href="//codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Widgets&quot;">Wordpress Widget</a>, just go Appearance&gt;Widgets and choose the most suitable FTI Widget for you, or choose them all!
You will be able to set the <strong>Number of tweets to display</strong>, and the option to hide/show the <strong>User profile image</strong> and the <strong>Tweets images</strong>.</p>


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