Gabfire Media Module

Created by: Gabfire Themes

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Videos and pictures don’t have to be difficult. Gabfire themes include a media module that makes embedding media simple.

This plugin is maintained by the folks over at

We strongly suggest you to use this plugin together with

Sample Code

    'name' => 'figure', 
    'imgtag' => 1,
    'link' => 1,
    'enable_thumb' => 1,
    'enable_video' => 0, 
    'resize_type' => 'c', 
    'media_width' => 415, 
    'media_height' => 284, 
    'thumb_align' => 'alignnone',
    'enable_default' => 1,
    'default_name' => 'defaultimage.png'

name -> Name of post thumbnail to be used thats going to be resized to display featured image

imgtag -> 1 or 0. Using this option you can add/remove ‘<img src’ tag to image.

link -> 1 or 0. If set 1, the image will have a link to post

enable_thumb -> 1 or 0. You may want to use this option function just to get featured post thumbnails

enable_video -> 1 or 0. You may want to use this option function just to get videos

resize_type -> c, w, or h. C will crop image to exact size. w resizes the width and calculates height in proportion. h resizes the height and calculates width in proportion.

thumb_align -> adds a class to media

enable_default -> 1 or 0. You can set a default image to display if post has no media

default_name -> name of image to display. The image path is yourtheme/images/thumbs directory.

How to Add a Video

  • If you are going to use Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion -> copy video URL from browser bar -> add it via custom field to your post using key name iframe
  • If you’d like to display a self hosted MP4, WEBM or OGV file, add them as below
  • Custom field key name video-mp4 and enter full file url into value field
  • Custom field key name video-webm and enter full file url into value field
  • Custom field key name video-ogv and enter full file url into value field
  • To add a caption (SRT or VTT format) to the video, use custom field name caption-url-1 and full file url into value field



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