GC Testimonials to Testimonials Widget GC Testimonials to Testimonials Widget

GC Testimonials to Testimonials Widget

Created by: Axelerant

Downloaded: 2k times

Migrate GC Testimonials entries to Testimonials Widget custom post types for use by the best WordPress testimonials Widget plugin there is, Testimonials Widget.

Primary Features

  • API
  • Ajax based processing screen
  • Migrates GC Testimonial fields, categories, and images to Testimonials Widget format
  • Settings export/import
  • Settings screen

Settings Options


  • Posts to Import – A CSV list of post ids to import, like ‘1,2,3’.
  • Skip Importing Posts – A CSV list of post ids to not import, like ‘1,2,3’.
  • Import Limit – Useful for testing import on a limited amount of posts. 0 or blank means unlimited.

Compatibility & Reset

  • Export Settings – These are your current settings in a serialized format. Copy the contents to make a backup of your settings.
  • Import Settings – Paste new serialized settings here to overwrite your current configuration.
  • Remove Plugin Data on Deletion? – Delete all GC Testimonials to Testimonials Widget data and options from database on plugin deletion
  • Reset to Defaults? – Check this box to reset options to their defaults





You can translate this plugin into your own language if it’s not done so already. The localization file gc-testimonials-to-testimonials.pot can be found in the languages folder of this plugin. After translation, please send the localized file for plugin inclusion.

How do I localize?


  • GC Testimonials to Testimonials Widget Settings
  • GC Testimonials to Testimonials Widget Migrator


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