GD Topic Polls: plugin for WordPress and bbPress Forums GD Topic Polls: plugin for WordPress and bbPress Forums

GD Topic Polls: plugin for WordPress and bbPress Forums

Created by: Milan Petrovic

Downloaded: 15k times

GD Topic Polls is a plugin for WordPress and bbPress, and it works with bbPress topics. Users can create polls for new topics, or add a poll for existing topics. Each topic can have one poll.

Overview of plugin features

GD Topic Polls is easy to use, it doesn’t require any coding, but it offers a lot of customization potential to developers.

Here is the list of most important plugin features:

  • Create polls with new topics
  • Add polls to the existing topics
  • Edit poll while editing topic
  • Control user roles allowed creating new polls
  • Disable polls for selected forums
  • Optional description field in the poll
  • Add two or more answers to the poll
  • Reorder poll answers in the poll edit mode
  • Set poll to allow one answer only for each voter
  • Set poll to allow unlimited answers for each voter
  • Set poll to limit the number of answers for each voter
  • Auto close the poll when topic is closed
  • Control when the poll results can be displayed

And on the administration side, the plugin has many more useful features:

  • Panel with the list of all polls
  • List of polls panel: disable or enable any poll
  • List of polls panel: delete any poll
  • List of polls panel: remove all votes from the poll
  • Panel with the list of votes
  • List of votes panel: filter by poll, user or answer
  • List of votes panel: delete votes
  • Panel with the plugin settings
  • Panel with the import, export and removal tools

Developers can customize the plugin look and feel by changing the templates or styling. Everything plugin displays in the front end are rendered in form of template, and each template can be overridden through the theme. And several functions can be also overridden via theme functions.php file to allow for more customizations.

Upgrade to GD Topic Polls Pro

Pro version contains many more great features:

  • Widget to show list of polls with forums filtering
  • Auto close the poll: when selected date is reached
  • Auto close the poll: when number of voters is reached
  • Require users to respond to topic before answering poll
  • Option to allow users to remove and change their vote
  • Display list of voters in the poll results
  • Settings to control default values of some poll options
  • Settings to control display of voters list in the poll results
  • Instant votes Notifications
  • Daily Digest votes Notifications
  • bbPress Topics View: All topics with polls
  • bbPress Topics View: Logged-in user topics with polls
  • Integration with BuddyPress activity stream

With more features on the roadmap exclusively for Pro version.

More free plugins for bbPress

Documentation and Support

You need to register for free account on Dev4Press:


  • English


  • Example poll results
  • Example poll open for voting
  • Create topic poll form
  • Admin side list of polls
  • Admin side list of poll votes
  • Example poll results


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