Genesis Featured Page Advanced Genesis Featured Page Advanced

Genesis Featured Page Advanced

Created by: Nick Diego

Downloaded: 160k times

Genesis Featured Page Advanced is nearing the end of its life. The plugin was built to solve a problem that will soon no longer exist. The advent of block themes utilizing the Site Editor has made traditional widgets irrelevant. Critical support will still be provided in the support forum, but the plugin is no longer being actively developed.

An advanced version of the Genesis – Featured Page widget, this plugin allows you to add a custom image, custom content, page excerpt, and more.

Genesis Featured Page Advanced is only for Genesis Framework users. Genesis is a premium product of StudioPress, which has no affiliation with this plugin.

Plugin highlights

  • Add a Custom Page Title
  • Display widget title above or below image (Defaults above)
  • Display page title above or below image (Defaults below)
  • Adds option for widget to link to a custom link
  • Adds custom image upload field
  • Adds option to adjust the size of custom images
  • Adds custom content field, which accepts shortcodes
  • Adds option to display the page excerpt
  • Adds option to remove the page link from the page title
  • Adds option to add the page link to the widget title
  • Adds option to remove the page link from the featured or custom image
  • Adds option to insert the Learn More link on a new line
  • Set the target and rel attributes on all links
  • Fields show/hide based on user selection for cleaner UI
  • Works alongside the original Genesis – Featured Page widget and other third party widgets
  • Uses the same CSS classes as the original Genesis widget, so any styling you are currently using will be passed to this widget
  • Genesis 2.0 and HTML5 compatible

If you are looking for additional features, let me know in the plugin support forum.

Disclaimer: This plugin is essentially a forked version of the original Genesis – Featured Page widget. Props go to StudioPress for developing the widget. I just modified/enhanced it.


  • Admin and frontend view of the Genesis - Featured Page Advanced widget. Highlights normal usage and advanced usage.


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