GitSwag GitSwag


Created by: Kenneth Rapp

Downloaded: 863 times

GitSwag displays data from a Github account using Github’s public API. In order to avoid
rate-limiting, it caches the JSON from the API locally, and refers to that whenever
available. You can display a user profile, list of repositories, header for a single
repository, preview files or gists.


In “GitSwag” under the settings tab, enter your github username, select the
“update cache” checkbox and submit to change your username. Files under that
username can be deleted by checking the box next to the file and submitting.

Any changes you make to your github repo won’t be reflected immediately by
the plugin, you’ll have to manually delete the cache first.

Composer Updating

This plugin includes and an autoloader to implement
the library.

To save a bit of space, composer.phar isn’t included with this plugin.

Parsedown is [](MIT licensed)


Display the profile of a single user
[gitswag_user_view github_username=”username”]

Display a list of repos for a user
[gitswag_repo_list github_username=”username”]

View data for a repository
[gitswag_repo_view github_username=”username” github_repo=”reponame”]

Preview a file
[gitswag_file_view github_username=”username” github_repo=”reponame” path=”path/to/” filename=”file.txt”]

List gists by a user
[gitswag_gist_list github_username=”username”]

Preview a gist
[gitswag_gist_view gist_id=”id”]

display the readme for a repo
[gitswag_readme github_username=”username” github_repo=”reponame”]


Because the public github API is rate limited, this plugin will download and keep a cached
version of the .json files and readme markdown from API calls locally, and will need to be deleted
in the admin panel when a change needs to be reflected. You can select a file and submit to delete them.


  • user profile
  • repo file view
  • repo list view


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