glomex oEmbed

Created by: glomex

Downloaded: 844 times

This is a WordPress plugin that acts as a bridge between our oEmbed endpoint and internal WP oEmbed service. It allows simple oEmbed operation – just paste a link into (basically) any WordPress editor and it will automagically convert this link into glomex player/playlist/integration.

Installation and operation

Operation simple as follows:

  1. Install plugin into WordPress
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Follow instructions and configure the plugin
  4. Forge a URL from template:[video|videos|playlist|playlists]/VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST_ID (integrationId parameter is optional)
  5. Go to your post and paste the url into any editor (editor must support oEmbed)
  6. You get an embedded player inside content!

This plugin is intended for internal and external usage. There is no dependency on our infrastructure.



You can use the shortcode [glomex_integration] to embed a player in your post.
Additional shortcode parameters (not required): playlist_id, integration_id, variant, width, height.


The supported url scheme is[video|videos|playlist|playlists]/VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST_ID

The placeholder variables are:
* VIDEO_OR_PLAYLIST_ID (mandatory) – the element id to embed
* [video|videos|playlist|playlists] (mandatory) – select one item to embed – it should exist in your account and be accessible with the given integration ID

Allowed parameters:

  • integrationId (optional) – allows overriding integration ID for this single embed
  • includeStructuredData (optional) – allows overriding structured data inclusion for this single embed

Plugin settings are used by default in all cases. Query strings will override the setting.

Configuration options

You can set up the default integration ID using the GLOMEX_INTEGRATION_ID environment variable.



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