Googlyzer Googlyzer


Created by: Bill Edgar

Downloaded: 8k times

Googlyzer adds an administrative dashboard to WordPress with microcharts for tracking website traffic data from Google Analytics, allowing WordPress administrators to easily view Google Analytics data for their website(s) without leaving their WordPress Admin console.
Key Features:

  • Automatically loads Google Analytics async tracking code in header or footer, with customizable options
  • Fully customizable Home Dashboard widget showing your selected key metrics and most popular page stats
  • Fully customizable Main Dashboard with linecharts, piecharts, and tables for display of your desired metric/dimension data
  • Change default dimensions and metrics for any chart or table
  • Choose whether or not to display chart metadata (max, min, last, avg)
  • Choose whether to display individual charts, and tables, or hide
  • Choose whether to show historic data comparison for linecharts
  • Choose whether to display daily and selected date range trends for individual metrics
  • Choose whether to include available data from current date when selecting dynamic ranges (ex. last 30 days)
  • Customizable configuration options for all chart colors

Now Available: Googlyzer Pro enabling integration of data from Google Analytics in your public WordPress site. A few of the features of Googlyzer Pro are listed below. For more information on Googlyzer Pro, visit the Googlyzer Product Page.

  • Powerful and fully customizable Most Popular Content sidebar multi-widget for displaying popular content excerpts and links using data from both Google Analytics and your WordPress site
  • Fully customizable Sparkline Chart sidebar multi-widget for display of metrics using data from Google Analytics
  • Sparkline shortcode capability to enable embedded display of Google Analytics data within pages or posts
  • No additional plugins required for tracking WordPress site statistics

Plugin’s Official Site

Googlyzer Website (

Plugin Support Forum

Googlyzer Web Forum (

Web Browser Compatibility

Googlyzer v2.2 has been successfully tested on the following configurations:

  • Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Chrome 14.0.835.126
  • Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Firefox 6.0.1
  • Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Opera 11.51
  • Windows 7 Chrome 14.0.835.186 m
  • Windows 7 Firefox 6.0.2
  • Windows 7 Internet Explorer 9
  • Apple OS X 10.4.11 Safari 4.1.3 (browser must be configured to allow 3rd party cookies)
  • Apple OS X 10.6.8 Safari 5.1.2 (browser must be configured to allow 3rd party cookies)
  • Apple OS X 10.6.8 Chrome 14.0.835.126
  • Apple OS X 10.6.8 Firefox 6.0.2
  • Android 2.3.4 Android Browser (Motorola Droid Bionic)

Googlyzer v2.2 has not yet been tested on:

  • Windows XP Internet Explorer 8
  • Windows Vista Internet Explorer 8/9

Googlyzer v2.2 is known to have browser compatibility issues with:

  • None! Let us know if you find any!

Details on Google Analytics Integration


Googlyzer includes the following dimensions from Google Analytics:

  • City (ga:city)
  • Continent (ga:continent)
  • Country (ga:country)
  • Day (ga:date)
  • Hostname (ga:hostname)
  • Landing Page (ga:landingPagePath)
  • Keyword (ga:keyword)
  • Page Path (ga:pagePath)
  • Page Title (ga:pageTitle)
  • Region (ga:region)
  • Subcontinent (ga:subcontinent)


Googlyzer includes the following metrics from Google Analytics:

  • Average Page Load Time (ga:avgPageLoadTime)
  • Average Search Depth (ga:avgSearchDepth)
  • Average Time on Site (ga:avgTimeOnSite)
  • Bounces (ga:bounces)
  • Entrances (ga:entrances)
  • Entrance Bounce Rate (ga:entranceBounceRate)
  • New Visits (ga:newvisits)
  • Organic Searches (ga:organicSearches)
  • Pageviews (ga:pageviews)
  • Pageviews per Visit (ga:pageviewsPerVisit)
  • Percent New Visits (ga:percentNewVisits)
  • Search Depth (ga:searchDepth)
  • Search Result Views (ga:searchResultViews)
  • Search Visits (ga:searchVisits)
  • Visits (ga:visits)
  • Visitors (ga:visitors)
  • Visit Bounce Rate (ga:visitBounceRate)

Example Chart Combinations

Here is a list of some of the chart combinations possible with the available dimension and metric combinations in Googlyzer:
(all over a specified period that can be a given by specific dates, or over a dynamic range, for example over the last 30 days)

  • Visits by Browser (pie chart %)
  • Referrals by Source (pie chart %)
  • New vs. Returning Visitors (pie chart %)
  • Total Pageviews (sparkline chart)
  • Total Visitors (sparkline chart)
  • Total New Visits (sparkline chart)
  • Visitors / Day (sparkline chart)
  • Visitors / Country (sparkline chart)
  • Pageviews / Day (sparkline chart)
  • Pageviews / Country (sparkline chart)
  • New Visits / Day (sparkline chart)
  • Bounce Rate % (sparkline chart)
  • Most Popular Pages by Pageviews (table)
  • Top Keyword Searches by Search Count (table)
  • And many more…


  • Main Googlyzer dashboard with sample data (Googlyzer Basic + Pro).
  • Googlyzer widget for the WordPress Home Dashboard with sample data (Googlyzer Basic + Pro).
  • GA tracking code configuration options (Googlyzer Basic + Pro).
  • Sparkline Chart sidebar multi-widget with sample data (Googlyzer Pro).
  • Sparkline Chart sidebar multi-widget options (Googlyzer Pro).
  • Most Popular Content sidebar multi-widget with sample data (Googlyzer Pro).
  • Most Popular Content sidebar multi-widget options (Googlyzer Pro).
  • Google Service Authentication section on General Settings tab.
  • Custom date selection on General Settings tab.
  • Color selection on Composite Chart tab.
  • Line Chart settings.
  • Pie Chart settings.
  • Table settings.
  • About and instructions.


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