GP routing – WP compatible REST API

Created by: Rene Manqueros

Downloaded: 712 times

Allows developers to create REST-ish API’s that have access to all of WordPress and its plug-ins objects.


Install the plug-in as any other plug-in.
Project is divided in two sets of files:

* index.php - This is where you register routes and/or middleware.
* routes/ - This is where you place your routes.


Middlewares are functions that will be executed on every call to the API, generally used to validate parameters or
transform requests before they reach routes, code for middleware is structured like this:

app::middleware(function () {
  • Middlewares run for every Verb and do not automatically assign $_POST or $_GET to any variable


A route is where you would link a request to a function depending on its HTTP Verb.
The routing engine will prepend /api/ to all calls and will append a trailing slash to all requests.
A GET request would be matched like this:

app::get('/testget', function($req){
   return $req;

In which:

* app::get - This will match up a GET request.
* '/testget' - the path the routing engine will look for.
* function(){ } ... - the function to execute when the route is matched.
* $req - parameters sent to the verb.

To make a call to this route, the full path would be:
  • The trailing slash is always required.
  • Parameters for all routes will be sent as the first parameter to the callback.

A route should be registered on the index file by placing a call to app::routes with the filename of the route (without the extension) as a parameter:

  • All routes output their return value as a JSON encoded response.

Samples for all verbs

  • GET:

    app::get(‘/testget’, function($req){
    return $req;

  • POST:

    app::post(‘/testpost’, function($req){
    return $req;


    app::delete(‘/testdelete’, function($req){
    return $req;

  • PUT:

    app::put(‘/testput’, function($req){
    return $req;

Nested routes

Routes can be nested like this:

app::delete('/admin/machines', function($req){
    return $req;

Which could be called by issuing a DELETE to:<h3>Route and middleware registration</h3>
Code for the routes should be placed on a file inside the "routes" folder and then "registered" on the index.php file like this:

function gp_registerapimethods()
app::middleware(function () {




Only one instance of the gp_registerapimethods should exist on the index.php file.
Middleware and Routes can have as many instances as needed.
All routes inside the routes folder can be registered by doing this call instead of the individual route registration:

  <h3>Sample for everything</h3> The index.php file has the "test" route registered, and that test.php route a call for each verb which you could use as a starting point for your own services.



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