Gp Subtitle for Post, Pages and Custom Type Gp Subtitle for Post, Pages and Custom Type

Gp Subtitle for Post, Pages and Custom Type

Created by: Grapdevs

Downloaded: 779 times


  • V2.0.1 (Current version)

*Add subtitle to WOOCOMERCE

Find menu option “GP – Post & Page” to handle the subtitle in custom posts and pages. (Refer to Screenshot 1)

*Short Codes & Methods

gp_get_subtitle() or

If you are working with your custom code and you would like to fetch the subtitle, you can use this method with or without parameters.
We will recommend you to pass $post_id(parameter), if you already have.

[gp_subtitle] or [gp_subtitle id=”YOUR POST/PAGE ID”]

We will recommend you to pass your post/page id

if you already have one.

  • V1.0.1

No Classic editor require since V1.0.2

Works with Gutenberg and other editors sincV1.0.2

Work with custom post type since V1.0.2

GP-Subtitle plugin is useful to add subtitles to pages/posts and custom types which show in the front-end.

You can easily manage to allow or disallow subtitles for pages or posts.

No coding is required.

Simply download and activate it, and begin adding subtitles to your pages and posts from today


  • Setting page
  • Works with guttenbery


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