Gravatar Signup Encouragement Gravatar Signup Encouragement

Gravatar Signup Encouragement

Created by: Milan Dinić

Downloaded: 14k times

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This plugin shows a message with link to signup page of Gravatar (pre-filled with e-mail address) to commenters and/or users who don’t have gravatar.

Message can be shown to:

  • unregistered commenters when they leave text input field for e-mail address
  • registered commenters to whom their registered e-mail address is checked
  • unregistered commenters after they post a comment in a dialog, to whom their entered e-mail address is checked
  • registered commenters after they post a comment in a dialog, to whom their registered e-mail address is checked
  • registered users in administration notices, to whom their registered e-mail address is checked
  • registered users in admin bar, to whom their registered e-mail address is checked
  • registered users on their profile page, to whom their registered e-mail address is checked
  • users who fill registration form when they leave text input field for e-mail address

Options are fully customizable. See FAQ for more information.

This plugin is lightweight, it adds only one field in database which is deleted if you uninstall plugin using WordPress’ built-in feature for deletion of plugins. Also it will only load jQuery file to head of your page if it wasn’t already loaded by theme or other plugin(s). Checks for gravatar are done via simple AJAX.
If you want to speed up your web site and save on bandwidth and server resources, it is recommended that you also install plugin Use Google Libraries which will load jQuery file from Google AJAX Libraries.

In order to plugin works, it needs to be on server with PHP 5 and on WordPress 2.8 or above.


  • Settings form with all expanded options
  • Message shown to unregistered commenter on default theme with default settings
  • Message shown to registered commenter on default theme with default settings
  • Message shown in a dialog to unregistered commenter on default theme with default settings after posted comment
  • Message shown in a dialog to registered commenter on default theme with default settings after posted comment
  • Message shown in admin bar
  • Message shown in administration notices
  • Message shown on a profile page with option to show below ?Profile? header
  • Message shown on a registration page with default settings
  • Message shown on a registration page (multisite) with default theme and default settings
  • Message shown in a bbPress reply form of a Twenty Eleven theme in line with avatar


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