Quick Access to Gravity Forms Resources – Time Saver & Helper Tool!

This small and lightweight plugin just adds a lot Gravity Forms related resources to your toolbar / admin bar. Also links to all admin settings pages pages of the plugin are included, making the life of form administrators/ developers a lot easier. So you might just switch from the fontend of your site to read current ‘Entries’ or just ‘Add a new Form’ etc. How cool is that? πŸ™‚ Also, support for all official and lots of third-party add-ons is included!

Please note: The plugin requires the Gravity Forms base plugin, a paid premium product released by Rocketgenius Inc. (via gravityforms.com).

General Features

  • Display notifications when new Gravity Forms plugin update is available.
  • Settings to control menu items notifications display for updates and unread entries.
  • Toolbar menu item for Gravity Forms Toolbar plugin settings.
  • Admin settings page to optinally remove Support/Docs/FAQ, Active Extensions and Official Add-Ons sections from menu (settings under “General Settings”).
  • Admin settings allow also to dynamically add existing Forms (link to their edit pages) and Entries of these forms.
  • Visual notification of new entries in the Toolbar (top level) and on “Entries” sub-level (if dynamic entries are activated).
  • A massive list of resource & community links is included: support forums, tutorials, code snippets, translations etc.
  • 3 action hooks included for hooking custom menu items in — for all main sections plus the resource group section (see FAQ section here for more info on that).
  • 8 additional icon colors included πŸ™‚ (changeable via filters)
  • 5 filters included to change wording/tooltip and icon of the main item – for more info see FAQ section here
  • Fully internationalized! Real-life tested and developed with international users in mind! Also supports update-secure custom language file (if you need special wording…)
  • Fully WPML compatible!
  • Tested with latest WordPress branches 3.8, and upcoming 3.9 – also in debug mode (no stuff there, ok? πŸ™‚

Official Add-Ons Support

The plugin out of the box supports links to settings pages of all officially available Gravity Forms Add-Ons, 15 to date (counting only the ones with settings pages!):

  • Authorize.Net
  • AWeber
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Coupons
  • Freshbooks
  • MailChimp
  • PayPal
  • PayPal Pro
  • PayPal Payments Pro
  • Picatcha
  • Twilio
  • User Registration
  • Zapier
  • Help tool: Logging
  • Help tool: Meta Recovery Utility

Add-Ons/ Plugin Support

At this time the plugin out of the box supports also all third-party Gravity Forms related plugins (only the ones with settings pages!):

Special Features

  • Not only supporting official Gravity Forms/ Gravity Help sites ALSO third-party and user links – so just the whole Gravity Forms ecosystem πŸ™‚
  • Link to downloadable German language packs – only displayed when German locales are active (de_DE, de_AT, de_CH, de_LU, gsw)
  • Link to Dutch language/ translation plugin – only displayed when Dutch locales are active (nl_NL or nl)
  • Link to Spanish language/ translation plugin – only displayed when Spanish locales are active (es_ES or es_PE)
  • NOTE: I would be happy to add more language/locale specific resources and more useful third-party links – just contact me!

As the name suggests this plugin is primarily intended towards website admins/ developers. Beside the forum, support links etc. the main plugin settings links will only appear if the current user has the appropiate rights/ capabillities for these. This just goes hand in hand with the very same user rights Gravity Forms itself uses to display its menu entries. So also Editors or any user with the proper rights could view ‘Entries’ etc (you could easily tweak all those roles & caps with the awesome “Members” plugin!).

Translations: Internationalization (i18n) / Localization (L10n)

  • English (default) – always included
  • German (de_DE) – always included
  • Serbian (sr_RS) by Dev4Press – currently 43% complete for v1.7.0
  • Lithuanian (lt_LT) by Vincent G. – currently 43% complete for v1.7.0
  • .pot file (gravity-forms-toolbar.pot) for translators is also always included πŸ™‚
  • Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “Gravity Forms Toolbar”…
  • Your translation? – Just send it in

This plugin is a co-work from:

David Decker – DECKERWEB from deckerweb.de and GenesisThemes


Milan Petrovic – Dev4Press from dev4press.com


This Plugin…

  • …is Quality Made in Germany
  • …was created with love (plus some coffee) on an Ubuntu Linux powered machine πŸ™‚

Tips & More

Plugin Links


Enjoy using Gravity Forms Toolbar? Please consider making a small donation to support the project’s continued development.


  • English – default, always included
  • German (de_DE): Deutsch – immer dabei! Download auch via deckerweb.de
  • Serbian (sr_RS): српски – by Dev4Press
  • Lithuanian (lt_LT): Lietuvos – by Vincent G.
  • For custom and update-secure language files please upload them to /wp-content/languages/gravity-forms-toolbar/ (just create this folder) – This enables you to use fully custom translations that won’t be overridden on plugin updates. Also, complete custom English wording is possible with that as well, just use a language file like gravity-forms-toolbar-en_US.mo/.po to achieve that.

Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “Gravity Forms Toolbar”…

Note: All my plugins are internationalized/ translateable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating and validating I recommend the awesome “Poedit Editor, Pro Version”, which works fine on macOS, Windows and Linux.

Additional Info

Idea Behind / Philosophy: Just a little leightweight plugin for all the form developers and managers out there working
with the incredible Gravity Forms to make their daily admin life a bit easier. I’ll try to add more add-on/plugin support if it makes some sense. So stay tuned :).

Gravity Forms News Planet I also have started a little news/feed service via “FriendFeed” that you can subscribe to: http://friendfeed.com/gravityforms-news — Please contact me via my Twitter for new resources (that have an RSS feed and are related to Gravity Forms!)


  • Big thanks to Milan Petrovic of Dev4Press who made the options panel for this plugin – so it’s still lightweight but even more useful!
  • Also big thanks to all translators for providing other languages for this plugin!

Last but not least

David: Special Thanks go out to my family for allowing me to do such spare time projects (aka free plugins) and supporting me in every possible way!


  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar in default state. (<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/wo1iu3dicpndgyh/screenshot-1.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar in action - a secondary level - form management. (<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/w9a6rtr4i88t631/screenshot-2.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar in action - a third level, for the official (and some third-party) Add-Ons. ([https://www.dropbox.com/s/2zlvbaxw8mbat88/screenshot-3.png))</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar in action - a secondary level - docs. (<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/eede0xkw5wpi8uo/screenshot-4.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar in action - a primary level - notification of new entries &amp; updates. (<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5iy7zsvmgfp4ix/screenshot-5.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar in action - notification of new entries &amp; updates on top-level. (<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/4m8wippyje1lja6/screenshot-6.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar - little admin settings page of the plugin.(<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/fv5ibqebo66q86t/screenshot-7.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>
  • <p>Gravity Forms Toolbar - help tab on admin settings page of the plugin. (<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/l23uais5v7jhvd0/screenshot-8.png">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>)</p>


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