Gravity Forms CLI Add-On

Created by: Rocketgenius

Downloaded: 259k times

The Gravity Forms CLI Add-On allows WP-CLI users to manage forms and entries and more on the command line.


Getting started

  • wp help gf
  • wp help gf form
  • wp help gf form field
  • wp help gf form notification
  • wp help gf entry
  • wp help gf entry notification
  • wp help gf install
  • wp help gf setup
  • wp help gf license
  • wp help gf tool

Form Management

wp gf form [command]


  • create – Creates a new form.
  • delete – Deletes a form.
  • duplicate – Duplicates a form.
  • edit – Launch system editor to edit the Form configuration.
  • export – Exports forms to a Gravity Forms Form export file.
  • form_list – Lists the forms with entry count and view counts.
  • get – Returns the form JSON.
  • import – Imports forms from a Gravity Forms Form export file.
  • update – Updates a form.

Field Management

  • wp gf form field [command]
  • wp gf field [command] (alias)


  • create – Creates a field and adds it to a form.
  • delete – Deletes a field.
  • duplicate – Duplicates a field.
  • edit – Launch system editor to edit the Field configuration.
  • get – Returns the JSON representation of a field.
  • list – Displays a list of fields for a form.
  • update – Updates a field.

Notification Management

  • wp gf form notification [command]
  • wp gf notification [command] (alias)


  • create – Creates a new notification.
  • delete – Deletes a notification.
  • duplicate – Duplicates a notification.
  • edit – Launch system editor to edit the notification configuration.
  • list – Lists the notification.
  • get – Returns the notification JSON.
  • update – Updates a notification.

Entry Management

wp gf entry [command]


  • create – Creates a new entry from either a JSON string with the raw entry or from field-value pairs.
  • delete – Deletes an entry.
  • duplicate – Duplicates an entry
  • edit – Launch system editor to edit the JSON representation of the Entry.
  • export – Exports entries.
  • get – Returns a JSON representation of an entry.
  • import – Imports entries.
  • list – Displays a list of entries.
  • update – Updates an entry.

Entry Notifications

wp gf entry notification [command]


  • get – Returns the notifications for the given entry.
  • send – Sends the notifications for the given entry.

License Management

wp gf license [command]


  • update – Updates the license key for the installation.
  • delete – Deletes the license key for the installation.

Misc Tools

wp gf tool [command]


  • clear-transients
  • empty-trash Delete the trashed entries.
  • verify-checksums Verify Gravity Forms files against the checksums.
  • system-report Outputs the system report from the Forms > System Status page. Supports “status” as an alias.

Installing Gravity Forms and Add-Ons

The above commands all require Gravity Forms to be installed. However, if Gravity Forms is not installed then you can use this add-on to install it along with all the other official Gravity Forms add-ons.

The install command will download and install the latest version Gravity Forms available for auto-update and then run the database setup. The license key will be saved in the plugin settings.

A valid license key is required either in the GF_LICENSE_KEY constant or the --key option.


  • wp gf install --key=xxxxx
  • wp gf install --key=xxxxx --activate
  • wp gf install gravityformspolls --key=xxxxx
  • wp gf install gravityformsquiz --key=xxxxx

Once installed, the database can be set up or upgraded separately using the setup command. The command will not re-run the setup unless the --force flag is set.


  • wp gf setup
  • wp gf setup --force

Gravity Forms and official add-ons can be updated using the update command.


  • wp gf update
  • wp gf update gravityformspolls

Check the current version using the version command.


  • wp gf version
  • wp gf version gravityformspolls


  1. WordPress 4.2+
  2. Gravity Forms
  3. WP-CLI version 1.0+


If you find anything that needs fixing please open a support ticket at

If you have any ideas for improvements please submit your idea at



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