A WordPress Testimonial Plugin to Showcase Testimonial Slider, Testimonial Grid and More: Solid Testimonials A WordPress Testimonial Plugin to Showcase Testimonial Slider, Testimonial Grid and More: Solid Testimonials

A WordPress Testimonial Plugin to Showcase Testimonial Slider, Testimonial Grid and More: Solid Testimonials

Created by: GS Plugins

Downloaded: 93k times

Solid Testimonials is a powerful and versatile WordPress plugin designed to showcase client testimonials, customer reviews, and quotes in various captivating ways. This premium plugin offers an array of key features, including slider layouts and testimonial templates, making it easy to display testimonials on posts, pages, or custom templates.

With its user-friendly Shortcode Generator settings panel, you can effortlessly create stunning testimonial showcases, while the live preview feature allows you to see changes in real time, ensuring fully responsive layouts and customizable styles.

Whether you have advanced coding skills or are a beginner, Solid Testimonials caters to all levels of expertise. The plugin includes a testimonial widget and a submission form with custom fields, allowing clients to submit their reviews directly on your website.

Additionally, you can import reviews and product reviews seamlessly. The testimonial form is highly customizable, and the premium features offer extensive display options to suit your website’s aesthetic. Enhance your site’s credibility and visual appeal with Solid Testimonials, the ultimate solution for showcasing client testimonials with elegance and ease.

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Why are testimonials crucial for your business?

Testimonials play a pivotal role in building trust and credibility among potential customers. With Solid Testimonials, you can effectively present these valuable testimonials on your website and continuously gather fresh reviews to reinforce your brand’s reputation.

What makes Solid Testimonials stand out?

  • Intuitive and User-Friendly: Our testimonial plugin is designed to be simple yet powerful, allowing you to effortlessly manage and display customer testimonials according to your preferences.
  • Versatile Showcasing Options: Showcase Testimonials on any page, post, or custom template, seamlessly integrating into your website’s design with testimonial blocks and testimonials by categories.
  • Engaging Visuals: Enjoy responsive layouts and customizable styles that complement your website’s aesthetics, leaving a lasting impression on your visitors. Add testimonial sections, sidebar widget, and Reviews Feed to enhance engagement.
  • Boost Trust and Conversions: Displaying authentic customer feedback helps establish trust and encourages potential customers to take action. Satisfied customers sharing their experiences can significantly drive more conversions.

Solid Testimonials empowers you to harness the potential of real testimonials effectively, enhancing your website’s credibility.

Experience the difference of Solid Testimonials today and elevate your testimonial showcasing game with ease, complete with email notification and integration with Thrive Themes.

Comprehensive Plugin Features

Experience the Power of Solid Testimonials with a Rich Array of Functionalities:

  • Over 20 Unique and Stunning Designs to Choose From.
  • Versatile Testimonial Layouts: Grid, Slider, List, Filter, and Masonry.
  • Image Modes: Choose from Normal, Gray to Normal, Grey on Hover, or Always Gray.
  • Flexible Image Sizes: Thumbnail, Medium, Large, or Other Registered Sizes.
  • Diverse Author Image Styles: Square, Circle, Radius, Square Shadow, Circle Shadow, and Radius Shadow.
  • Fine-Tuned Controls: Show or Hide Designation, Company, Ratings, and Author Image.
  • Slider Mastery: Effortlessly Set Speed, Autoplay, Delay, and Pause On Hover.
  • User-Friendly Shortcode Generator Enhanced with Live Preview.
  • Seamlessly Integrates with Page Builders.
  • Intuitive Drag and Drop for Custom Testimonial Order.
  • Smart Category Display: Showcase Testimonials Based on Categories.
  • Efficient Filter and Query by Reviews Category.
  • Limit Testimonial Display as Needed.
  • Convenient Repeatable Social Media Meta Box.
  • Device-Specific Column Options for Optimal Responsiveness.
  • Customize with Ease: Add Your Own Custom CSS.
  • In-Depth Reviewer Information and Social Links.
  • Tailor Testimonial Length with Custom Character Limit.
  • Seamless Star Rating System.
  • Versatile Testimonial Ordering: ID, Title, Custom Order, Random, Date.
  • Choose Display Order: Descending or Ascending.
  • Hassle-Free Dummy Data Import or Deletion.
  • Effortless Shortcode Management: Edit, Clone, Delete.
  • Display Multiple Testimonial Shortcodes on a Single Page.
  • Lightning-Fast Loading for Enhanced Performance.
  • Smart Script Loading: Admin Pages and Where Shortcodes Exist.
  • Localization-Friendly: Replace Preferred Texts with Ease.
  • Responsive Showcase: Display Testimonials Beautifully Across Devices.
  • Seamless Integration with Standard WordPress Themes.
  • Unlimited Testimonials: Add as Many as Needed.
  • Developer-Friendly with Easy Customization Options.
  • Extensive Browser Compatibility: Modern Browsers Supported.
  • Valid W3C Markup Ensures Quality and Compliance.
  • Embed Anywhere with Simple Shortcodes, e.g., [gs_testimonial id=2].
  • Quick Setup: User-Friendly Interface Requires No Special Knowledge.
  • Priority Email Support for Prompt Assistance.
  • Free Installation Service Available Upon Request.
  • Automatic Update Notifications Keep You Informed.
  • One-Click Auto Updates Directly from Your Dashboard.
  • Comprehensive Documentation and Dedicated Support.
  • And Many More Features to Explore and Utilize!
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Available fields to add info

  • Testimonial Title: Give each testimonial a distinct and meaningful title.
  • Testimonial Details: Showcase the heartwarming testimonials shared by your clients in all their glory.
  • Testimonial Author Image: Add personal touches with images of the testimonial authors.
  • Testimonial Categories: Organize testimonials into categories for easy navigation.
  • Reviewer Information:
    • Reviewer Name: Display the names of the testimonial authors.
    • Organization Name: Showcase the companies or organizations they belong to.
    • Designation: Mention the positions or roles of the testimonial authors.
    • Star Ratings: Highlight the rating scores given by the reviewers.
  • Reviewer Extra Information:
    • Email: If permitted, display the email addresses of the testimonial authors.
    • Address: Add location information for an enhanced sense of credibility.
    • Phone/Mobile: Share contact details to boost authenticity.
    • Website URL: Provide links to the reviewers’ websites.
    • Video URL: For a dynamic touch, include video testimonials.
  • Company Logo: Showcase logos of the companies or organizations associated with the testimonials.
  • Social Profiles: Include social icons with drag-and-drop reordering, allowing you to link to the testimonial authors’ social media profiles for additional authenticity and engagement.

Available Icons for Social Profiles

Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, Dribbble, Behance, Pinterest, Flickr, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Reddit, VK, Vine, Github, Stack Overflow, Soundcloud, Envelope/Email, Link/Website, Skype, WhatsApp, Dropbox, WordPress, Tumblr, Foursquare, Xing, Lastfm, Hacker News, Yahoo, Trello, Steam, Deviantart, Feed, Renren, Spotify, twitch, Digg, SlideShare.

General Settings

Start by navigating to Solid Testimonials > Shortcode. Here, you can either create a new shortcode or edit an existing one. Once inside, you’ll land on the General Settings page.

  • General Settings Fields:
    • Shortcode Name: Assign a unique name to your shortcode.
    • Theme: Choose from a variety of Grid & Carousel themes.
    • View Type: Opt for Grid, Carousel, Masonry, or Filter layouts.
    • Image Mode: Select image display preferences, including Gray options.
    • Images Size: Pick from Thumbnail, Medium, Large, or other sizes.
    • Image Style: Customize image shapes – Square, Circle, Radius, and shadow.
    • Columns Control: Adjust columns for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile & Small Mobile (1 to 4 columns).
    • Show/Hide Controls: Toggle Designation, Company, Ratings, and Image visibility.
    • Details Control: Define the maximum character limit for Testimonial Details.
  • Grid to Carousel/Filter/Masonry Features: Unleash advanced features across 18 new templates within Grid, Carousel, List, Filter & Masonry themes.
  • Carousel Settings (When View Type is Carousel):
    • Carousel Speed: Adjust the speed of the carousel transition.
    • Enable Autoplay: Toggle automatic testimonial rotation.
    • Autoplay Delay: Set the time interval between autoplay transitions.
    • Pause On Hover: Enable pausing of autoplay on user hover.
  • Filter Settings (When View Type is Filter):
    • Filter All Text: Modify the “Filter All” text option.
  • Dynamic Preview: As you customize settings on the left, the right area displays a real-time preview.

Style Settings

Easily Customize Your Testimonial Display:

To begin, navigate to Solid Testimonials > Shortcode. Create a new shortcode or edit an existing one. Then, proceed to the 2nd tab labeled Style Settings.

  • Box Background Color: Choose the background color for the testimonial box.
  • Title Color: Set the color for the testimonial title.
  • Testimonial Color: Define the color for the testimonial text.
  • Read More Color: Specify the color for the “Read More” link.
  • Read More Hover Color: Set the color when hovering over the “Read More” link.
  • Rating Color: Choose the color for star ratings.
  • Name Color: Define the color for the testimonial author’s name.
  • Designation Color: Set the color for the designation of the author.
  • Company Color: Specify the color for the author’s company name.
  • Info Color: Choose the color for additional information.
  • Info Icon Color: Set the color for icons used in additional information.
  • For Carousel View Type:
    • Enable Carousel Navs: Toggle navigation arrows for the carousel.
    • Enable Carousel Dots: Toggle navigation dots for the carousel.
    • Carousel Navs Style: Choose from One / Two / Three styles for carousel navigation arrows.
    • Dots Position: Set the position of navigation dots – Bottom / Bottom Inside Left or Right.
    • Dots Style: Choose from One / Two / Three styles for navigation dots.
    • Nav Color: Define the color for navigation arrow icons.
    • Nav BG Color: Set the background color for navigation arrow icons.
    • Nav Hover Color: Choose the color when hovering over the navigation arrow icons.
    • Nav Hover BG Color: Set the background color when hovering over navigation arrow icons.
    • Dots Color: Define the color for navigation dots.
  • For Filter View Type:
    • Filter Tab Style: Choose from Style One / Two / Three / Four / Five for filter tabs.
    • Filter Color: Define the color for filter text.
    • Filter BG Color: Set the background color for filter tabs.
    • Filter Border Color: Choose the color for filter tab borders.
    • Filter Active Color: Specify the color for the active filter tab.
    • Filter Active BG Color: Set the background color for the active filter tab.
    • Filter Active Border Color: Choose the border color for the active filter tab.

Query Settings

Begin by navigating to Solid Testimonials > Shortcode. Create a new shortcode or edit an existing one. Then proceed to the 3rd tab labeled Query Settings.

  • Count: Specify the maximum number of testimonials to be displayed. Use -1 to show all reviews.
  • Order By:
    • ID: Sort testimonials based on their ID.
    • Title: Arrange testimonials alphabetically by title.
    • Custom Order: Define a specific order for testimonials.
    • Random: Display testimonials in random order.
    • Date: Sort testimonials by their date of creation.
  • Order:
    • DESC (Descending): Arrange testimonials in descending order.
    • ASC (Ascending): Arrange testimonials in ascending order.
  • Authors: Select specific authors whose reviews you want to display.
  • Exclude Authors: Exclude certain authors’ reviews from the display.
  • Category: Choose a specific category to showcase testimonials from. Select from the available list of created categories.
  • Exclude Category: Hide testimonials associated with a particular category.

Preference ( Global Settings )

Head to Solid Testimonials > Shortcode and select Preferences.

  • Replace Preferred Text for Read More: Customize the text for the “Read More” link according to your preference.
  • Custom CSS: Implement your own custom CSS for a personalized touch.

Page Builder Support

  • Gutenberg.
  • Elementor.
  • WPBakery.
  • Divi Builders.
  • Beaver Builder.
  • Oxygen Builder.
  • UX Builder – Flatsome.
  • TagDiv – Newspaper.
  • Genesis Framework.

Solid Testimonials shortcode usage

Select a theme, view type & other parameters. Shortcode will generate with id like [gs_testimonial id=1]

[gs_testimonial id=1]

Shortcode PHP Usage

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[gs_testimonial id=5]' ); ?>


If you have any questions regarding the Solid Testimonials plugin and how to work with it, We recommend referring to our comprehensive online documentation. It provides detailed information and instructions to assist you in navigating and utilizing the plugin effectively. You can find the Documentation here.

Quick Support & Bug Reporting

If you encounter any problems or discover bugs, please post them in our Support channel. We aim to respond as soon as possible (excluding holidays).

Pro users are requested to contact our support channel for dedicated assistance.

🙋‍♂️ Alternatively, you can reach out to us through our Support or WordPress.org support forum.

Development Team

Crafted and Developed with Passion by GS Plugins


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  • Slider Style 1 with Popup.
  • Slider Style 6 with Popup.
  • Slider Style 9 with Popup.
  • Slider Style 12. Check the demo for more Slider designs.
  • Slider Style 18 with Video Popup. Check the demo for more Slider designs.
  • Grid Style 4 With Multicolor.
  • Filter View. Check the demo for more Filter designs.
  • Masonry View. Check the demo for more Masonry designs.
  • Custom Order: After Drag &amp; Drop, go to Shortcode &gt; Crete/Edit Shortcode &gt; Go to Query (3rd tab) &gt; Set Order: ASC (From Dropdown). ASC/DESC may be set to your liking. &gt; Set Order By: Custom Order (From Dropdown)
  • Add a New Testimonial
  • All Testimonials
  • Created a list of Testimonial Shortcodes.
  • Create a New Shortcode with Preview.
  • General Settings.
  • Style Settings(2nd Tab).
  • Query Settings (3rd Tab). Check documentation for more Query Controls.


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