GSP Assets Manager (Easy Live Assets Editor) GSP Assets Manager (Easy Live Assets Editor)

GSP Assets Manager (Easy Live Assets Editor)

Created by: Firas Abd Alrahman

Downloaded: 4k times

Once you install WordPress with some plugins and finish customizing your theme, you usually stock with performance issues.
Installing and configuring a good caching plugin, you will enhance your first byte and website speed, but you getting low rank on google page speed.
The reason for that, each WordPress plugin come with it\’s assets (js/scss files) and most of them are not really used or required, but WordPress does not offer a way to control those injected files in your themes.
GSP Assets Manager offer an easy way to list, review and control WordPress assets.
You can disable, move to the header, move to the footer, toggle async for javascript and WordPress without writing a single code.
The plugin also offer a live preview for CSS, so you can disable the CSS file and see the result directly on your website before you save, to avoid breaking the website style.


  • After instaling the plugin, got to plugin list and click "Run GSP Assets Manager"
  • Your website will open and you will see GSP plugin icon in the left side, move your cursor to it.
  • Now you can modify your assets, the assets will be grouped by plugins, uncheck the asset you don't want to load, swtich between stylesheets and javascripts, you can see live changes for stylesheets loading/unloading, remember to save when you finish, Saving will refresh the website and if there is any javascript error you will get a message so you may re-enable a javascript file if you missed things up, also notice the roles list in the top, 'All' role means everywhere (sitewide), but you can make special role to override the default.


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