WordPress Tabs WordPress Tabs

WordPress Tabs

Created by: Billy Bryant

Downloaded: 20k times

WordPress Tabs allows you to easily split your post/page content into multiple “Tabbed” sections. This plugin was adapted from PostTabs which had gone dormant in 2011. The adaptation was to permit both Horizontal and Vertical tabs as well as to expand the style functions.

* The color and style of the tabs can be modified easily to fit with any theme
* Tabs can be displayed either Horizontally (On top of Content) or Vertically (To the Left or Right of Content)

This plugin has been tested on Firefox, IE6, iE7, Opera, Safari and Konqueror.


Go to Settings->Wordpress Tabs (or Options->Wordpress Tabs) to adjust the colors of your tabs.

Edit your post and page and add the code below wherever you want to insert the tab:

[tab:Tab Title]

All the content bellow this code will be inserted inside this tab, untill another tab is declared with:

[tab:Another Tab]

And so on.. untill the end of the page or optionally you can add the code bellow to end the last tab and add more text outside the tabs:


You can also have text before the first tab. Just type it as normal text…


  • <p>An example of the text on the editor window and the live result</p>
  • <p>The admin options page where you can set the colors with a colorpick and have a instant preview</p>


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