Add Custom HA Font Color Customizer Panel in any WP theme Customization section. Customize font colors of your hard coded WordPress Theme. Now, separately Customize the color of each type of your HTML Elements just from Theme customization section with live WP preview pane.

List of HTML Element options:

  1. Body Text Color
  2. Heading Text Colors
    — H1 Tag
    — H2 Tag
    — H3 Tag
    — H4 Tag
    — H5 Tag
    — H6 Tag
  3. Link Colors
    — Main Nav Links
    — Nav Link:hover
    — Dropdown Links
    — Dropdown Hover
    — Page Links
    — Button Text
    — Button Text Hover
  4. Footer Headings
  5. Footer Text

HA Color Customizer Team needs your support

It is hard to continue development and support for the free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you enjoy using HA Font Color Customizer and find it useful, please consider making a donation. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support.

  • If you have suggestions for a new plugins or addon options, feel free to email me at

  • Coming soon Plugins:
    — HA Background Color Customizer
    — HA Imageless CSS Background Patterns
    — See all current and upcoming plugins details here: Website WP Plugins Page

  • Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Want regular updates? Like my page on Facebook!

  • Hire me on Upwork

  • Or hire me directly from my website:


  • [  HA Font Color Customizer section tab showing up in main WP Customize section]
  • [  HA Font Color Customizer section - List of options - frist fold]
  • [  HA Font Color Customizer section - List of options - scroll down]


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