Heckler Heckler


Created by: Maštarija

Downloaded: 570 times

Do you often need to create small pieces of content that should be present on e.g. every product page, but don’t justify writing a full on plugin?

Do you mostly work with designers or users that sometimes need to update some of that content, but they don’t know their way through Git, FTP or code in general?

If you’ve answered yes to any of those two questions then this plugin is for you!

Heckler allows you to create reusable pieces of code or text and execute / display them on any wordpress hook (after init) or use them as a simple shortcode within your content.

If you have some coding skills, you can programm a rule which determines if the text should be shown, or the code should be hooked or executed.

As an added bonus, there’s even a VIM mode in the code editor to make your life as a developer in this world of makeshift plugins just a little more bearable.

If you wish to contribute to this wonderfully horrible plugin you can do so on its GitHub repository.


  • Simple text editor content, with Elementor support.
  • Hook list used to define hooks on which to display your content, priority, number of arguments (if you are using Code) and if this hook is active or inactive.
  • Content displayed on the <code>wp_footer</code> hook.
  • A Rule editor with VIM support.
  • A Code editor with VIM support.
  • Heckler shortcode embedded into the content.
  • Output of a Heckler shortcode content generated through a Code script.


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