Filterable List Filterable List

Filterable List

Created by: Hedomi

Downloaded: 333 times

The filterable list is the Elementor Addon that creates the list or gallery with filters. You will find three sections on the style tab of the elementor editor: filters, items, and layouts.

First of all you need to add filters and give it a name and filter id. Than you can add items as cards, that will be filterd by filters.

You can also change the filter “All”, change the word “All” to any term, or even remove it.

In the filter section you can edit the text color, background color of the filters and the active filter, paddings, and margins, border radius, borders, and shadows.

In the items section you can edit the title color, description color, background overlay, borders, border radius, shadows, and others, widths, and height. Every time you make some changes, please click on the apply changes. So, you can see the changes applying.

In the layouts section you can find five different layouts to choose from.

Please, watch the video instruction here (


  • <p>How to link the filter and item screenshot-1.PNG</p>
  • <p>When you change the widht or height of item, please click on the apply changes to see it on the editor screenshot-2.PNG</p>


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