Hide Comments Feature Hide Comments Feature

Hide Comments Feature

Created by: lightningspirit

Downloaded: 49k times

For those who do not need to have the Comments feature in WordPress (there are a lot of reasons), this plugin removes any trace of that existence in both wp-admin and front-end.
Your theme must rely properly on the WordPress API for the front-end support. The tag must be present.
Completely done through techniques based on both action hooks and CSS.

Doesn’t requires any configuration, just install and any trace of Comments will disappear.

NOTE: This does NOT play with the core, so you are able to update both plugins and WordPress without any trouble.

Provided Custom Hooks

This plugin provides 4 custom hooks you may play if you need more substance in your theme.

add_action( 'hide_comments_post_types', 'my_hide_comments_post_types' ); to change the list of post types to be processed by the plugin. Comments will be removed from all listed post types.
add_action( 'hide_comments_css', 'my_hide_comments_css' ); to add arbitrary CSS to hide comment's stuff from your theme.
add_action( 'hide_comments_template_comments_path', 'my_hide_comments_template_comments_path' ); the default path is the empty file template-comments.php located in the same dir of this plugin. Just modify the path to your own file if you want to return anything else.
add_action( 'hide_comments_dashboard_right_now', 'my_hide_comments_dashboard_right_now' ); if true is returned, the discussion table of dashboard right now widget will be hidden. False otherwise. Defaults to true.

The use of these hooks are recommended, thus, if the plugin gets deactivated, those hooks will not be called anymore and then you get things consistent and clean.

Do you want to translate it to your language? Just reply to the «Translations» topic in the forum.


  • There is no Comments menu link!
  • The comments template disappeared (magically) from the Twenty Twelve theme.


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