Hide Unwanted Shortcodes Hide Unwanted Shortcodes

Hide Unwanted Shortcodes

Created by: Denzel Chia

Downloaded: 6k times

Have you ever switch theme or remove plugin and found that there is a lot of unwanted shortcodes left on blog, and they are showing up as [shortcode id="1234"] ? In order to remove them, you will need risky database queries which is not what you want or what you can handle properly.

Now you can use this plugin to prevent them from showing up on Blog. This plugin does not delete the shortcodes from your Database or Post Editor, instead it prevent them from showing up on Blog (Public View), by returning nothing to content.

You can easily add and save the unwanted shortcode tag name into the plugin setting page, and the plugin will
do the rest. There is no need to write any functions or database queries, the plugin will hide them base on shortcode tag saved.

How to use this plugin ?

  1. After installation and activation, please go to Settings > Hide Unwanted Shortcodes.
  2. Click on it and you will see the textarea for filling in your unwanted shortcodes tag.
  3. Please follow additional instructions there.


  • Plugin Settings Page


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