Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter creates a draggable window with informations about WordPress hooks. It lists all hooks (actions and filters) that have at least a function hooked to them, and for each hook there’s a list of hooked functions, sorted by priority!

The window is visible only to registered users, and you can choose who will be able to see it, and set if it should be visible or not. It works in WordPress page, be it frontend or admin area.

When you are in an admin page, it also shows a list of special actions related to that specific page, helping plugin developers to attach features only to special admin pages, instead of the whole admin area! A list of all conditional tags is also available, informing which tags return true and which ones return false, for any page you want!

The list of conditional tags and hooks is based on Frank Bueltge‘s wp_view_type.php. The original code was translated from germany to english, and ported to a draggable window that can be moved inside the browser, minimized and closed.

The list of admin actions is based on Dustin Dempsey‘s Show Page Hooks plugin, and a few more hooks were added.


  • The plugin creates a window, that can be dragged, minimized and closed
  • The window works both in website’s admin panel and frontend
  • You can choose who can see the window, while visitors never see it

The window presents many useful information for plugin developers:

  • action and filter hooks, and functions hooked to them, sorted by the priority they are called
  • all conditional tags, informing those returning true and those returning false
  • all actions present in admin pages, that are specific to each page, so that we can hook features that we want to happen only on those specific pages
  • actions that were run are flagged so, allowing you to know which actions are used in each specific page


  • The begining of the draggable window, with the list of admin actions that's only shown in admin pages
  • Conditional tags, here you can see in one place all tags that will return true in current page
  • Begining of the huge list of actions and filters hooks
  • The probably most popular hook, the all powerful <code>'the_content'</code> filter, with part of the many functions hooked to it
  • Another very popular hook, the <code>'wp_head'</code> action, with the flag "<em>ran</em>", pointing out it was run in that page
  • The end of the window, with wow 432 hooks! That's LARGE!!


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