Hot’n’Cold shows a different colored badge for every post, depending if the post is “hot”, “medium” or “cold”, based on Jetpack post views

  • The plugin requires Jetpack to be installed, activated and connected to your account.

The typical/full code that you need to add to your theme, wherever you want the badge to display is <?php shambix_hotposts(200,100,50,true,true,false); ?>

The code MUST be used inside the Loop.

You can customize the code with these parameters, in order:

  • n. of views for the post to be “hot” (default: 200)
  • n. of views for the post to be “medium” (default: 100)
  • n. of views for the post to be “cold” (default: 50)
  • if “hot”, display badge? (default: true)
  • if “medium”, display badge? (default: true)
  • if “cold”, display badge? (default: false)

We use a css file to style the badges, as they are fully made out of CSS3, no images, however we don’t provide any specific layout (floating, alignment, etc), that way you are free to customize them the way you want, by using the div class hotncold in your own theme style.css

If you like the plugin or want to suggest a new features, feel free to drop a comment at the official plugin post on Shambix.

Credits to the Twitter Bootstrap Framework for the badges/labels’ CSS.


  • Example for the badges being displayed in a category


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