WP Request

Created by: Hashtag Errors

Downloaded: 608 times

The plugin has following shortcodes available :

  • [wph_request_isGet]

Returns whether this is a GET request.

  • [wph_request_isPost]

Returns whether this is a POST request.

  • [wph_request_isDelete]

Returns whether this is a DELETE request.

  • [wph_request_isPut]

Returns whether this is a PUT request.

  • [wph_request_isAjax]

Returns whether this is an Ajax request.

  • [wph_request_isSecure]

Returns whether this is a secure connection.

  • [wph_request_getScriptName]

Returns the script name used to access Index page.

  • [wph_request_getPath]

Returns the request’s URI.

  • [wph_request_getUrl]

Returns the request’s full URL.

  • [wph_request_getSegments]

Returns JSON encoded array of all URI segments.

  • [wph_request_getSegment num=”segment_number”]

Returns a specific URI segment, or null if the segment doesn’t exist.

  • [wph_request_getFirstSegment]

Returns the first URI segment.

  • [wph_request_getLastSegment]

Returns the last URL segment.

  • [wph_request_getParam name=”parameter_name”]

Returns a variable from either the query string or the post data.

  • [wph_request_getQuery name=”parameter_name”]

Returns a variable from the query string.

  • [wph_request_getPost name=”parameter_name”]

Returns a value from post data.

  • [wph_request_getServerName]

Returns the server name.

  • [wph_request_isMobileBrowser]

Returns whether the request is coming from a mobile browser.

  • [wph_request_getHostInfo]

Returns the schema and host part of the application URL.

  • [wph_request_getScriptUrl]

Returns the relative URL of the entry script.

  • [wph_request_getPathInfo]

eturns the path info of the currently requested URL.

  • [wph_request_getRequestUri]

Returns the request URI portion for the currently requested URL.

  • [wph_request_getServerPort]

Returns the server port number.

  • [wph_request_getUrlReferrer]

Returns the URL referrer or null if not present.

  • [wph_request_getUserAgent]

Returns the user agent or null if not present.

  • [wph_request_getUserHostAddress]

Returns the user IP address.

  • [wph_request_getUserHost]

Returns the user host name or null if it cannot be determined.

  • [wph_request_getPort]

Returns the port to use for insecure requests.

  • [wph_request_getQueryString]

Returns part of the request URL that is after the question mark.

  • [wph_request_getQueryStringWithoutPath]

Returns the request’s query string, without the p= parameter.

  • [wph_request_getIpAddress]

Returns the best guess of the client’s actual IP address

  • [wph_request_getClientOs]

Returns whether the client is running “Windows”, “Mac”, “Linux” or “Other”.



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