Humans TXT Humans TXT

Humans TXT

Created by: Till Krüss

Downloaded: 22k times

Credit the people behind your website in your humans.txt file. Easy to edit, directly within WordPress.

  • Use variables like a last-updated date, active plugins and many others…
  • Use the [humanstxt] shortcode to display your humans.txt on your site
  • Add an author link tag to your site’s <head> tag
  • Allow non-admins to edit the humans.txt
  • Customize everything with custom filters, actions and pluggable functions
  • Restore previously saved revisions of your humans.txt

More information on the Humans TXT can be found on the official Humans TXT website.


  • $wp-title$ – Name (title) of site/blog
  • $wp-tagline$ – Tagline (description) of site/blog
  • $wp-posts$ – Number of published posts
  • $wp-pages$ – Number of published pages
  • $wp-lastupdate$ – Date of last modified post or page
  • $wp-authors$ – Active authors and their contact details
  • $wp-language$ – WordPress language(s)
  • $wp-plugins$ – Activated WordPress plugins
  • $wp-charset$ – Encoding used for pages and feeds
  • $wp-version$ – Installed WordPress version
  • $php-version$ – Running PHP parser version
  • $wp-theme$ – Summary of the active WordPress theme
  • $wp-theme-name$ – Name of the active theme
  • $wp-theme-version$ – Version number of the active theme
  • $wp-theme-author$ – Author name of the active theme
  • $wp-theme-author-link$ – Author link of the active theme

Shortcode Usage

The default shortcode [humanstxt] will display the contents of the virtual humans.txt file. URLs, email addresses and Twitter account names are converted into clickable links. Plain email addresses are encoded for spam protection. The output will be wrapped with a <p> tag and can be styled via the humanstxt CSS class.

You can turn off the “clickable links” functionality: [humanstxt clickable="0"]

You can also toggle the clickable links individually: [humanstxt urls="1" emails="0" twitter="1"]

To display the humans.txt as preformatted text, use the pre attribute: <pre>[humanstxt pre="1"]</pre>

To display the untouched humans.txt, use the plain attribute: [humanstxt plain="1"]

You can omit the wrapping with the <p> tag: [humanstxt wrap="0"]

You can set a CSS id for the wrapping <p> tag: [humanstxt id="my-humans-txt"]

You can turn off the encoding of email addresses and common text entities: [humanstxt filter="0"]

Useful Functions

Echos the content of the virtual humans.txt file. Use get_humanstxt() to get the contents as a string.

Determines if the current request is for the virtual humans.txt file.

Pluggable Functions

All callback functions of the default variables can be overridden. The callback functions are located in humanstxt/callbacks.php.

Plugin Constants

Define as false to disable the “rate this plugin” box on the options page.

Plugin Actions and Filters


Runs when the current request is for the humans.txt file, right after the template_redirect action.

Runs right before the humans.txt is printed to the screen.


Applied to the final content of the virtual humans.txt file.

Applied to the author link tag.

Applied to the humans.txt content. Applied prior to the humans_txt filter.

Applied to the array of content-variables. See humanstxt_variables() for details.

Applied to the maximum number of stored revisions. If set to 0, revisions will be disabled. Default is 50.

Applied to the final [humanstxt] shortcode output.

Applied to the un-wrapped shortcode output.

Applied to replacement string for matched standard headlines: /* Title */. See humanstxt_shortcode() for details.

Applied to replacement string for matched twitter account names. See humanstxt_shortcode() for details.

Applied to the global text separator. Default is a comma followed by a space.

Use to override the global text separator (see humanstxt_separator filter) for the list of active WordPress plugins.

Use to override the global text separator (see humanstxt_separator filter), for the current WordPress language(s).

Applied to the number of published posts: $wp-posts$.

Applied to the number of published pages: $wp-pages$.

Applied to the summary of the active WordPress theme: $wp-theme$.

Applied to the list of active WordPress plugins: $wp-plugins$.

Applied to current WordPress language(s): $wp-language$.

Applied to returned date of the $wp-lastupdate$ variable.

Applied to the used date-format of the $wp-lastupdate$ variable. Default is Y/m/d. Read more about date and time formatting.

Applied to the list of active authors: $wp-authors$.

Applied to the format used for the author list $wp-authors$ variable. Please see humanstxt_callback_wpauthors() in humanstxt/callbacks.php for details.


  • Plugin options page.
  • Plugin revisions page.
  • Shortcode result using <code>pre</code> attribute. (Theme: Twenty Eleven)
  • Default shortcode result. (Theme: Twenty Eleven)


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