Hyvor Talk – Comments, Newsletters, & Memberships Hyvor Talk – Comments, Newsletters, & Memberships

Hyvor Talk – Comments, Newsletters, & Memberships

Created by: HYVOR

Downloaded: 3k times

Hyvor Talk is a privacy-first, fully-featured comments, newsletter, and memberships platform.



Hyvor Talk comes with a fully-featured, real-time commenting system that can replace the default WordPress commenting system.

  • Real-time comments
  • Upvotes & downvotes
  • Reactions & ratings
  • User badges
  • Top-notch moderation tools
  • In-build spam detection
  • Upload images, GIFs
  • Embed links, social media posts (Youtube, Facebook, X, etc.)
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Math (KaTeX) support


You can use our Newsletter feature to easily add a newsletter subscription form to your website, collect emails,
and send newsletters to your subscribers.

  • Newsletter subscription form with shortcode
  • Send newsletters to your subscribers
  • Track email opens and clicks
  • Send emails from your own domain
  • Customizable email templates
  • Auto-subscribe users when signing up to WordPress


You can use our Memberships feature to convert your WordPress website into a memberships website.

  • Create membership plans
  • Set up Gated Content Rules to restrict content based on post types, categories, tags, and custom post types
  • Restrict content based on membership plans
  • In-website payments


Hyvor Talk is can be easily integrated into any website.

WordPress-specific features:

Other Features

  • Fully customizable (colors, ui, and texts)
  • Supports 30+ languages
  • Usage analytics
  • SEO-friendly
  • GDPR compliant

WordPress User Login

You can turn on Single Sign-on to connect WordPress authentication with Hyvor Talk. This will allow your users to use the embeds (comments, newsletter, memberships) using their account on your WordPress website.

Importing Comments from WordPress

You can import your WordPress comments to Hyvor Talk easily. Follow this guide for more details. If you have previously used Disqus, you can also import comments from Disqus.


  • [hyvor-talk-comments] – Comments embed
  • [hyvor-talk-comments-count] – Comments count
  • [hyvor-talk-newsletter] – Newsletter embed
  • [hyvor-talk-gated-content] – Gated content embed

See how to use shortcodes here.

Useful Links


  • Hyvor Talk Console
  • Comments & Reactions Embed
  • Comments & Ratings Embed
  • Newsletter Form Embed
  • Memberships Embed


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