IG Testimonials is a clean, free and simply WordPress plugin for adding testimonials to your theme, using a shortcode or a widget.

IG Testimonials includes:

  • Testimonial custom post type.
  • Testimonial categories.
  • Testimonials slider, a responsive and touch ready testimonials carousel.
  • Testimonials widget to show your testimonials carousel (you can select the category to display, set up the carousel settings and more).
  • The settings page to set up testimonial image dimensions, carousel settings and more.
  • A set of shortcodes.

With IG Testimonials you can create your testimonials’s page and display your testimonials thanks to the shortcode included, you can also show your testimonials as a carousel selecting the categories that you want to show.
IG Testimonials works like a charm with all our themes but also with others WordPress themes thanks to its simplicity and to the clean design.


Any idea or suggestion?


  • Testimonials page
  • Testimonials carousel widget
  • IG Testimonials settings and shortcodes


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