Plugin for the management of real estate real estate agents, builders and construction companies, real estate franchising and small owners.
Allows the inclusion of real estate for sale or rent going to specify the various types such as apartments, villas, cottages etc.
It also allows the inclusion of galleries, floor plans, attached pdf for specifications and more.

Plugin per la gestione di immobili per agenzie immobiliari, costruttori e imprese edili, franchising immobiliari e piccoli proprietari.
Permette l’inserimento degli immobili in vendita o in affitto andando a specificare le varie tipologie come appartamenti, ville, villette ecc
Consente inoltre l’inserimento di gallerie, planimetrie, allegati pdf per capitolati e molto altro.

Plugin all’indirizzo https://www.matteotestoni.it/servizi/consulente-wordpress/plugin-immobiliare-wordpress/

Immobiliare Plugin by https://www.matteotestoni.it

Caratteristiche del plugin / Features of the plugin


  1. Property Management
  2. definition of square meters, price
  3. property management
  4. Management real estate ads
  5. galleries of properties
  6. floor plans of buildings
  7. pdf forms of real estate or other specifications
  8. Detailed features of annunici estate


  1. gestione immobili
  2. definizione di mq, prezzo
  3. gestione proprietà
  4. gestione annunci immobiliari
  5. gallerie su immobili
  6. planimetrie su immobili
  7. allegati in pdf su immobili per capitolati o altro
  8. caratteristiche dettagliate degli annunici immobiliari


  • screenshot-1.jpg
  • screenshot-2.jpg


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