Toolbox and Showroom Supercharger

Created by: Thunki SA

Downloaded: 749 times

This plugin was tailored for the Impact Hub Bergen site. And it might be useful for other sites that are looking to implement similar functionality.

Please note: This plugin is by no means officially supported by the Impact Hub company.

What the plugin does:

  1. Adds the custom posts “Entrepreneur toolbox” and “Member showroom”.
  2. Make Entrepreneur toolbox be published as private by default.
  3. Trim away the word “Private:” from private posts.
  4. Enable custom shortcode for listing out custom posts. It includes pagination and support for displaying featured image.
  5. Adds a custom hubmember role.
  6. Add logged-in user role to the body class declaration. So that one might add styles to customize the admin view based on the logged in user’s role.

Shortcode example usage:

  • [list-posts limit=3 type="impcthub-resource"] Lists out Entrepreneur resource posts with max three posts on each page with “previous” and “next” links for pagination.
  • [list-posts limit=-1 type="impcthub-member"] Lists out all Member showcase posts without pagination.



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