Importer From MaxSite Importer From MaxSite

Importer From MaxSite

Created by: Sergey Zaharchenko

Downloaded: 808 times

Plugin Importer From MaxSite provides easy and fast way to move your data from MaxSite CMS to the WordPress.
It imports categories, pages, images, comments and meta fields (if ACF plugin is installed).

Please use new WordPress installation for importing and do not try to do it on your production site directly!

Steps to import the data from your MaxSite CMS site:
* Install “Export API” plugin on the MaxSite CMS site –

Please, make sure that plugin folder name is “export_api”, not “export_api-master”

  • Install this plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Install Advanced Custom Fields plugin (it is needed to import meta fields).
  • Go to the “Importer From MaxSite” page.
  • Provide your MaxSite url and click “Import Content” button.
  • Don’t forget to disable “Export API” plugin on your MaxSite right after the importing!

Feel free to submit questions, suggestions, bug reports, concerns, etc. to me.

Plugin Requirements

PHP version : 5.6 and latest
WordPress : WordPress 4.8 and latest


  • Screenshot 'screenshot-1.png' shows how to start import.
  • Screenshot 'screenshot-2.png' shows importing process.
  • Screenshot 'screenshot-3.png' shows importing results.


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