Index Pages

Created by: Doug Wollison

Downloaded: 2k times

The Index Pages system allows you to designate pages as the index page for a particular post type.

This allows you to have a custom title, text content, and other information displayed on your
post type archives, should your current theme support it.

For theme developers, the plugin offers some template functions for loading the post object for the
current index page (including the posts page), in a similar fashion to the_post();, to create things
like a customizable introductory banner that appears above the listing, using the index page’s data.

Designated index pages are flagged as such in the Pages manager, for easy recognition.

Usage Documentation

The Index Page assignment interface can be found under Settings > Reading. By default, all post types
registered with the has_archive argument set to true will be available for assignment.

For theme and plugin developers, you can register support for your custom post types like so:

IndexPages\Registry::add_post_types( $post_types ); // a single post type or array of post types

When an index page is assigned, it’s permalink will point to the associated post type’s archive, with
the page title updated appropriately.

For theme and plugin developers, you can access the index page’s post object with the following.


This works exactly like the_post();, populating the $post variable with the index page’s data.



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