Info Blocks for WooCommerce

Created by: WPFactory

Downloaded: 3k times

Info Blocks for WooCommerce plugin lets you add info blocks to numerous positions in WooCommerce.

✅ Usage Example #1

Add static text (e.g.: “30 days money return guarantee!”) after “Add to cart” button for all products.

  • Add new block via “WooCommerce > Info Blocks > Add New”
  • Set block’s content to 30 days money return guarantee!
  • Set block’s position to Single product: Inside single product summary and position’s priority to 39

✅ Usage Example #2

Add total sales number to the frontend meta section for all products.

  • Add new block via “WooCommerce > Info Blocks > Add New”
  • Set block’s content to Total sales: [alg_wc_ib_get_post_meta key="total_sales"]
  • Set block’s position to Single product: Product meta end

✅ Usage Example #3

Add static text (e.g.: “Free shipping for all orders over $35!”) to cart and checkout pages.

  • Add new block via “WooCommerce > Info Blocks > Add New”
  • Set block’s content to Free shipping for all orders over $35!
  • Set block’s positions to Cart: Before cart table and Checkout: Before order review

✅ Usage Example #4

Add static text (e.g.: “Only today: “) before the price for all products.

  • Add new block via “WooCommerce > Info Blocks > Add New”
  • Set block’s content to Only today:  (  is a “non-breaking space” symbol)
  • Set block’s position to General: Before product price

✅ Available Positions


  • Before product price
  • After product price
  • Instead of product price
  • On empty product price

Single product

  • Before single product
  • Before single product summary
  • Inside single product summary
  • After single product summary
  • After single product
  • Before add to cart form
  • Before add to cart button
  • After add to cart button
  • After add to cart form
  • Product meta start
  • Product meta end

Single product tabs

  • Description: Heading start
  • Description: Heading end
  • Description: Instead of heading
  • Description: Content start
  • Description: Content end
  • Description: Instead of content
  • Additional information: Heading start
  • Additional information: Heading end
  • Additional information: Instead of heading
  • Additional information: Content end

Product archives

  • Before product
  • Before product title
  • Inside product title
  • After product title
  • After product


  • Before cart
  • Before cart table
  • Before cart contents
  • Cart contents
  • Cart coupon
  • Cart actions
  • After cart contents
  • After cart table
  • Cart collaterals
  • After cart
  • Before cart totals
  • Cart totals: Before shipping
  • Cart totals: After shipping
  • Cart totals: Before order total
  • Cart totals: After order total
  • Proceed to checkout
  • After cart totals
  • Before shipping calculator
  • After shipping calculator
  • If cart is empty

Mini cart

  • Before mini cart
  • Before buttons
  • After mini cart


  • Before checkout form
  • Before customer details
  • Billing
  • Shipping
  • After customer details
  • Before order review
  • Order review
  • After order review
  • After checkout form
  • Before checkout shipping form
  • After checkout shipping form
  • Before order notes
  • After order notes
  • Before checkout billing form
  • After checkout billing form
  • Before checkout registration form
  • After checkout registration form
  • Review order: Before cart contents
  • Review order: After cart contents
  • Review order: Before shipping
  • Review order: After shipping
  • Review order: Before order total
  • Review order: After order total
  • Order Received (Thank You) page

✅ Shortcodes

  • [alg_wc_ib_get_post_meta] displays product’s meta value, e.g.: [alg_wc_ib_get_post_meta key="total_sales"]
  • [alg_wc_ib_get_option] displays site’s option, e.g.: [alg_wc_ib_get_option option="admin_email"]

🏆 Premium Version

Premium plugin version allows you to set additional visibility options for each block.

🗘 Feedback

  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
  • Visit plugin site.



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