IP-to-Country IP-to-Country


Created by: Pepak

Downloaded: 5k times

IP-to-Country is a plugin which doesn’t provide any output to users, but which
may be used by plugin authors to quickly and easily find, in which country an
IP address is located.

To do so the plugin uses data files from either http://ip-to-country.webhosting.info
(IPv4 only) or http://software77.net/geo-ip/ (both IPv4 and IPv6).
Other sources are possible as long as they have the same format: CSV file,
fields enclosed with quotes (“) and separated with comma (,), lines ending
with LF (\n). Five columns:

  • Lower bound of an IP range.
  • Upper bound of an IP range. Both are represented as one 32-bit integer number,
    such as you can get by using funtion ip2long().
  • 2-character country code
  • 3-character country code
  • Country name

Note: In order to import IPv6 addresses, IPv4 must be imported first. The
reason is, IPv6 database does not carry the full country information with
it, while the IPv4 database does.


  • To detect if IP-to-Country plugin is installed:

    $ip2c_available = class_exists(‘PepakIpToCountry’);

  • To find information about a numeric IP address:

    $country = PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_Full(‘’);
    // returns ‘UNITED STATES’
    $country = PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country(‘’);
    $country = PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_XX(‘’);
    // both return ‘US’
    $country = PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_XXX(‘’);
    // returns ‘USA’
    $country = PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_Info(‘’);
    // returns Array(‘iso_name’=>’UNITED STATES’, ‘iso_code2’=>’US’, ‘iso_code3’=>’USA’)
    $image = PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_Flag(‘’);
    // returns ”

    You may leave the IP address empty; in that case, IP address of currently
    active user is used instead.

    Note: All requests are cached, so there shouldn’t be a noticeable difference
    between reading IP_to_Country_Info and reading all three pieces of information
    separately using the _Full, _XX and _XXX functions.

  • To interface your plugin’s tables to IP-to-Country plugin’s tables within SQL,
    a function Subselect is published:

    $subselect = PepakIpToCountry::Subselect($ip, $countryfield);

    • $ip is a field that contains IP address in the form of one 32bit number, e.g.
    1. If you store IP addresses in the usual form of four dot-separated
      numbers (‘’), you can use MySQL’s function INET_ATON:
      $ip = ‘INET_ATON(my_ip_address_field)’;
      It is strongly recommended to use qualified field names (with tablename in
      front, separated by a dot):
      $ip = ‘INET_ATON(banlist.ip_address)’;
    • $countryfield is the field you want returned. It can be one of the following:
      iso_name – returns the same string as PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_Full(…)
      iso_code2 – returns the same string as PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_XX(…)
      iso_code3 – returns the same string as PepakIpToCountry::IP_to_Country_XX(…)

    Note: No checking or validation is done on either of these parameters. It is assumed
    they are field names, NOT strings. DO NOT EVER USE VALUES THAT YOUR USERS CAN
    INFLUENCE! This is important! If you let users supply arguments to Subselect(), you
    are letting them to do whatever they like with your database!

    This function only works with IPv4 addresses.

    Example usage:

    if (class_exists(‘PepakIpToCountry’))
    $field = PepakIpToCountry(“INET_ATON(b.ip_addr)”, ‘iso_code2’);
    $field = ‘NULL’;
    $sql = “SELECT b.*, ${field} country_code FROM ${wpdb->prefix}banlist b WHERE …”;

Note: This plugin requires PHP5. If you want it to work with ZIP files
(e.g. for updating IP-country info from the default location), your PHP
must have extension php_zip enabled.


  • Administrative options


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