A plugin with common features missed in WordPress, like favicon, meta tags, adding HTML to head and footer, WordPress e-mail from header filter, etc.

I’ve developed this plugin for my own job. I’ve realized that when I create a
new WordPress project, there are some features I have to plugin every time. I
decided to bundle they all into a single plugin, and I’m publishing it for
other creators who may find it useful too.

Take a look to the Changelog
for a complete feature list, you may be interested in some of them.


  • Detail of the popping group on the admin bar. Mind the users and plugins 
shortcuts, and the W3C validator link for the current URL.
  • The JB Common Configuration admin section. Each option is listed as name, description, custom value and default value.
  • The section for viewing the JB Common log contents. If you integrate the 
log system with your software, you can view your outputs here.
  • The info admin section. A complete reference for all functions, 
shortcodes, widgets and features.


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