JE Article import JE Article import

JE Article import

Created by: Jens Ertel

Downloaded: 910 times

Import articles for none WordPress users in a separate table. From this table you can import into the WordPress database and publishing on your site. You can set in the option a paper recipient and default thumbnails for your categories.

The plugin is in german, a english version will come in a future release!

A few futures:

  • None WordPress users cand send articles to your site
  • Integrations in your site design
  • Set default thumbails for categories
  • Status informations about the articles
  • Info on the admin bar about new articles
  • Send forward the article to a newspaper or more recipient

Arbitrary section


  • Fomular for the user. You can integrate this into your site with the shortcode [je_ai_sc_formular]
  • The admin menu (User need the role publish_posts )
  • Status about the article
  • Modify the imported article with a click obout the imported green button on the status site.
  • Send users article to other mail recipient
  • Option page with set mail addresses, thumbails for categories, ....
  • Info on the admin bar about new articles


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