Jim Soft Swiss QR Invoice Jim Soft Swiss QR Invoice

Jim Soft Swiss QR Invoice

Created by: Jim Soft

Downloaded: 5k times

You want to create the new payment slips with QR code?
With Jim Soft QR Invoice you can do it in no time.
We offer you a simple, easy-to-use WooCommerce extension that lets you create the new payment slips quickly and easily.


  • Very easy to set up: You just need to store your (QR-)IBAN and start right away.
  • No QR IBAN? You can also work with a normal IBAN without ESR, the invoices are still future-proof for the upcoming changes in 2022.
  • Many setting options: Logo & color scheme, as well as positioning of the individual elements you can customize yourself. In addition, there are free text fields, with which you can supplement the invoices.
  • Order items & total: Optionally, you can output various additional information on the invoice, including order items, current date, information about the creditor (eg VAT number), etc.
  • Invoices are directly ready for printing: After entering the IBAN, the invoices are already configured so that they are directly ready for printing.
  • Compatible for window letters: If you send the invoices by mail or enclose them in the package, you can freely position the customer’s address so that it fits directly into the address window.
  • Additional payment option “Pay with QR-bill”.
  • Attach QR invoice to order confirmation for existing payment options
  • Attach QR invoice to specific email types
  • Available in English & German

Template hooks

do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_before_title", WC_Order $order)
do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_title", WC_Order $order)

do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_item_title",  WC_Order_Item $item)
do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_item_meta", WC_Order_Item $item)

do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_before_item_quantity",  WC_Order_Item $item)
do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_item_quantity", WC_Order_Item $item)

do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_before_item_subtotal",  WC_Order_Item $item)
do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_item_subtotal",  WC_Order_Item $item)

do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_order_details_text", WC_Order $order)
do_action("jimsoft_qrpdf_after_table", WC_Order $order)

if you need more hooks, just contact us by mail 🙂


  • Settings 1: The debtor details for the invoice.
  • Settings 2: Text size, colors, logo (size & positioning).
  • Settings 3: Customer, vendor and date/location configuration/positioning.
  • preview of a PDF invoice
  • Settings 4: Payment option "Pay with QR-bill".
  • Settings 5: Attach QR invoice to order confirmation for existing payment options.


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