Jimmy Editor Jimmy Editor

Jimmy Editor

Created by: Kenta Ishii

Downloaded: 831 times

Regular Expression Search and Replace on WordPress Editor. Plus, it’s a suggestion that you can have freedom of making Web Browser Based Applications (Web Apps). Movable Graphical Interfaces in Web browsers, I called it as “Sticker Box”, makes your plot for Web Apps to be layout free and improve its usability. In this plugin, “Sticker Box” is used as a bunch of editor tools, “Lines Box”, “Search Box” and “Style Box”. This tools gives you how well “Sticker Box” works in Web browsers.


Jimmy Editor is a plugin for patching default editors of WordPress. The beginning of this plugin was from my thought, “how can I use the tab key to insert a indent on Post Editor (“Text” mode) as well as Plugin and Theme Editor?” This is resolved by “post-editor-patch.js”, because this issue is derived from ID naming for “textarea” tag. In addition, I tried to make some editorial functions: “Line number detection”, “search, replace and delete of the word in the text” and “style changer for the text area” are considered. Plus, I also considered some movable interface for these functions on Web browsers. I named my movable interface to “Sticker Box”. It’s not only like the window system on your PC, but able to work on your tablet or phone. I can say that my movable interface is making compatibility between mouse pointers and touching devices, because my movable interface is using universal trigger, “mousemove” which used to occur on many touching panels on mobile devices, but not all, to make compatibility with traditional mouse system on PC.

Web Browser Based Applications (Web Apps) has a good key to the future because its compatibility has better than Computer Based Applications (Native Apps). If You make one Web App, your Web App works on every browser in every platform. But it’s ideal — many developers are trying this, then finding some issues — and browsers are growing their performances. In fact, it’s a heavy loader, a big owner of memory in your computer. Because computers are having big memory and good speed these days, it’s time to open the door to the future of Web Apps. I’m now trying to make ideal Web App!


The Jimmy Editor, A WordPress Plugin, Copyright 2017 Kenta Ishii
Jimmy Editor is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


  • Displaying Lines and Columns on Lines Box with folded "Sticker Box".
  • Using of Search Box with Regular Expression, "/load.*/i".
  • Using of inserting tab indents to selected lines on Lines Box.


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