JobBoard Job listing plugin JobBoard Job listing plugin

JobBoard Job listing plugin

Created by: ThemeGlow

Downloaded: 5k times

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JobBoard is the most powerful WordPress plugin to create job portal. Fully responsive, work with any SEO plugin and works with any WordPress theme.

Job Listing

The plugin has strong and powerful Job listing module
* **Grid View Job Listing ** – Grid View.
* **List View Job Listing ** – Grid View.

Registration & Prfile form builder

  • **The plugin has Registration & Prfile form builder form site admin ** – Video.

Registration module

The plugin has Registration module and shortcode

Login module

The plugin has Login module and shortcode

Front-End Employer dashboard

A beautiful interface front-end interface for Employer who will submit job and manage candidates.
* Job Post dashboard [Add/edit Delete]
* Candidates Manage [Short List, Meeting Schedule,Contact,Reject]
* Candidates Bookmark
* Employer Bookmark
* Message Archive
* Job Notifications
* Saved Jobs
* Employer setting

Front-End Candidates dashboard

A beautiful interface front-end interface for Candidates. Candidates can create Resume and apply job.
* Resume Builder with PDF generator
* Job Appy Archive
* Candidates Bookmark
* Employer Bookmark
* Message Archive
* Job Notifications
* Saved Jobs
* Candidates setting


  • Candidates Directory
  • Employer Directory

Public Profile

  • Candidates Public Profile with PDF
  • Employer Public Profile


  • Strong Job search
  • Ajax Apply
  • CSV Job Importer
  • PDF Maker
  • WPML & Loco or any other translation plugin support
  • User Registration
  • job board My account / Front-end Dashboard
  • User Setting
  • User Change Password
  • Manage candidate
  • Manage Jobs
  • Message
  • Job Nitification
  • Saved Job
  • Saved candidate
  • Saved Employer
  • Resume Builder
  • Job Applied List
  • User Photo Upload
  • User Video Upload
  • job board Email Templates
  • Welcome job board Email template
  • Forget job board Password Email template
  • job board Notification Email template
  • Candidate Apply Email template
  • Employer Directory + Profile
  • Candidate Directory +Profile
  • And Lots of other settings


  • Plugin supports Loco, WPML or any translation plugin and you can translate plugin’s all text in your languages.
  • Already completed Spanish (es_ES) 18%
  • Already completed French (fr_FR) 23%
  • Already completed German (de_DE) 3%


  • Job Listing Grid View
  • Job Listing List View
  • Job Post in Back-end
  • Applicants in Back-end
  • Message in Back-end
  • Profile form builder
  • Setting in Back-end
  • Home page using plugin shortcode
  • Job Detail page
  • Job Apply popup
  • Demo Importer
  • Registration Module
  • Candidate Directory
  • Candidate Profile
  • Candidate PDF
  • Applicants in Front-End
  • Job Listing in Front-End
  • Job Notifications in Front-End
  • New Job listing in Front-End
  • Applicants in Front-End
  • Saved candidates in Front-End
  • Message in Front-End
  • User Profile setting in Front-End
  • Latest Job Shortcode
  • Latest Job & Feature jobs Shortcode
  • CSV importer


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