Jobs Ajax Feed Widget Jobs Ajax Feed Widget

Jobs Ajax Feed Widget

Created by: Calen Fretts

Downloaded: 1k times

Display job listings in an Ajax-powered RSS feed widget. Uses Google AJAX Feed API. Based on Google AJAX Feed Widget by M Naveed Akram.

Indeed job listings RSS feed


q Query. By default terms are ANDed. ex: Accounting OR title:Accounting
l Location. Use a postal code or a “city, state/province/region” combination. ex: New York, NY
sort Sort by relevance or date. Default is date.
radius Distance from search location (“as the crow flies”). Default is 25.
jt Job type. Allowed values: “fulltime”, “parttime”, “contract”, “internship”, “temporary”.
start Start results at this result number, beginning with 0. Default is 0.
limit Maximum number of results returned per query. Default is 10.
fromage Number of days back to search.
highlight Setting this value to 1 will bold terms in the snippet that are also present in q. Default is 0.
filter Filter duplicate results. 0 turns off duplicate job filtering. Default is 1.
co Search within country specified. Default is us. See here for a complete list of supported countries:
chnl Channel Name: Group API requests to a specific channel
publisher Publisher ID. This is assigned when you register as a publisher.
key RSS feed access key.


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