Joli CLEAR Lightbox Joli CLEAR Lightbox

Joli CLEAR Lightbox

Created by: WPJoli

Downloaded: 885 times

Supercharge your image & gallery links by displaying a simple, modern, & powerful lightbox.

Works with native guttenberg image/gallery blocks.


Why should I choose Joli CLEAR Lightbox over another plugin ?

  • It does not rely on jQuery
  • It does not load unless it has to.
  • It has a very small footprint (only one minified .css file (4Ko) & one minified .js file (8Ko))
  • Icons are made from pure CSS, there is no extra images loading.
  • It does not provide a bunch of heavy unnecessary features.
  • It loads after your content.
  • It is meant to remain simple yet offering full customization.
  • It has been made with love.

Dependency-free: No jQuery, only pure JavaScript.

Performance friendly: Styles/Scripts DO NOT load if there are no image links within the content.

Joli CLEAR Lightbox stands for the following:







  • Display on posts or pages
  • Customize media types (jpg, png, gif etc)
  • Transparent GIF/PNG support
  • Fully responsive with swipe gestures.
  • Dark & Light color scheme
  • Enable/disable Loop over when the first/last image has been reached
  • Enable/disable Esc key to close the lightbox
  • Enable/disable Arrow keys navigation
  • Enable/disable Close on click-away
  • Display/hide counter
  • Display/hide caption
  • Customizable Vertical/horisontal paddings
  • Customizable background color
  • Customizable background opacity
  • Enable/disable background blue
  • Customizable navigation buttons height
  • Enable/disable frame border
  • Developer-friendly. Hooks provided. (See below for details).

Pro Features

Get Joli CLEAR Lightbox Pro

  • All of the free features.
  • AmbiBackground™: this unique feature makes the background have the same color tone as the current image. It provides a beautiful immersion to the viewer.
  • Custom Post Type Support.
  • 14+ Themes Included.
  • Customizable idle timer.
  • Customizable Maximum image height.
  • Customizable Maximum image width.
  • Customizable Border width.
  • Customizable Rounded corners radius.
  • Customizable Border opacity.
  • Enable/disable Frame shadow.
  • Customizable Image rounded corners radius.
  • Force Enable/Disable Lightbox per post settings.
  • Override global theme per post settings.

Supported post types:
* Post
* Pages
* Custom Post Type (Pro only)


How to use ?

Copy & paste the code examples below into your theme’s functions.php file:


  • joli_clear_lightbox_disable_lightbox

Globally disables Joli CLEAR Lightbox site-wide.

add_filter('joli_clear_lightbox_disable_lightbox', function(){ return true; });
  • joli_clear_lightbox_options

Customizes the options programmatically.

add_filter('joli_clear_lightbox_options', 'my_custom_options_function');


  • joli_clear_lightbox_before_rendering
    Do something before rendering the lightbox


  • General settings
  • Appearance settings
  • Styles settings
  • Dark scheme - No Padding
  • Dark scheme - No Padding (Mobile)
  • Dark scheme - Padding 50px - Border enabled
  • Dark scheme - Padding 50px - Border enabled (Mobile)
  • Swipe gesture to close (Mobile)
  • Light scheme - Padding 50px
  • Light scheme - Padding 50px (Mobile)
  • Dark scheme - 50% Transparent background - Padding 50px - Border enabled
  • Light scheme - 50% Transparent background - Padding 50px - Border enabled (Mobile)
  • Light scheme - Transparent background - Padding 50px - Border enabled


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