Powerful exam admit card generator plugin for your wordpress site. You can generate students exam admit card by just entering student’s exam information. Students can download their admit card by just entering their details in the download form. Use shortcode [jseacg_dForm] inside post or page to make the download form.

Need More Feature?Try Premium Version.

Premium Features

  • Easy to install.
  • Exam admit card adding facility from CSV file.
  • Multiple admit card adding facility from CSV file.
  • Advance exam admit card download form.
  • Student’s photo adding facility.
  • Principal signature adding facility.
  • 6 Different admit card download form.
  • Full customizable admit card download form.
  • Exam admit card format is PDF(Paper size A4).
  • Bulk admit card print facility.
  • Shortcode system.
  • WordPress multisite support.
  • Translation support.
  • Settings panel & many more.
  • Fully Customizable.
  • Well documented.
  • Both online & offline documentation.

Buy Now


  • Admit Card Input Area.
  • Admit Card Admin Menu.
  • Shortcode For Admit Card Download Form.
  • Admit Card Download Form.
  • Admit Card Output Using Ajax.


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