jqDock Post Thumbs jqDock Post Thumbs

jqDock Post Thumbs

Created by: Shaun Scovil

Downloaded: 4k times

The Dock – as anyone familiar with a Mac knows – is a set of icons that expand when rolled over with the cursor. This plugin
mimics that behavior with WordPress post thumbnails, creating a visually-stunning set of links to other blog posts on any post
or page. New in version 2.0, it can also be used to create an image gallery!

jqDock Post Thumbs can be used to display posts, pages, or custom post types, provided post thumbnails are enabled in the current
theme. It can also be used to display images attached to the current post, or by post ID.

How To Use


This shortcode will create a Dock with five random post thumbnail links.

Control Number of Thumbnails

[jqdpostthumbs qty="10"]

The qty option can be set to any number you like. Your page width will help you determine your maximum. As a point of reference,
a page that is 850px wide with no sidebar looks good at qty="14".

Show Custom Post Type

[jqdpostthumbs type="my-custom-post-type"]

The type option can be set to page, or to the name of any custom post type.

Hide Post Titles (Since 2.0)

[jqdpostthumbs notitle="true"]

Prevent the title of the post from appearing over the thumbnail using this shortcode.

Control Order of Posts (Since 2.0)

[jqdpostthumbs order="ASC" orderby="title"]

Control the order in which post thumbnails are displayed using these options. The only valid choice for order is ASC;
default is DESC. For orderby, you can choose: none, ID, author, title, date, modified, parent, comment_count,
or menu_order; default is rand.

Show Image Gallery (Since 2.0)


Show a random set of 5 image thumbnails attached to the current post, which link to the full size images.

Control Number of Thumbnails

[jqdgallery qty="10"]

Same as with post thumbnails, the qty option can be set to any number you like. Your page width will help you determine your
maximum. As a point of reference, a page that is 850px wide with no sidebar looks good at qty="14".

Show Images From Specific Post (Since 2.0)

[jqdgallery id="10"]

Set the post ID to show images attached to a specific post/page. Defaults to the current post/page.

Hide Image Titles (Since 2.0)

[jqdgallery notitle="true"]

Same as with post thumbnails, prevent the title of the image from appearing over the thumbnail using this shortcode.

Set Image Link Attributes (Since 2.0)

[jqdgallery target="blank" class="my-class" rel="my-rel"]

This may be useful if you want to combine jqDock Image Gallery with a Lightbox plugin that requires a special class or rel.

About This Plugin

For more information about this plugin, visit: http://mynewsitepreview.com/jqdpostthumbs/

To see a live demo, visit: http://mynewsitepreview.com/jqdpostthumbs-wordpress-plugin-live-demo

About jqDock

jqDock, which powers this WordPress plugin, is an awesome jQuery plugin developed by Roger Barrett and inspired by Isaac Rocca’s “iconDock” plugin.

Documentation for jqDock can be found at: http://www.wizzud.com/jqDock/


  • Thumbnail images expand like the Dock menu on a Mac!


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